50 Marketing & Sales Promotional Plans – Next Set of 15

Hello, we are back with more promotional plans. Our ’50 Promotional Plans’ have been compiled to help retail businesses reach their target market more effectively. Since so many creative promotional models already exist, retailers can use the best fit for maximum visibility, better profitability, enhanced branding, and higher sales. Earlier we had discussed promotional ideas like Happy hours, free trials, […]

Vietnam – Leadership Lessons

I recently completed a 22 day mission with a local charity working with children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) in Vietnam. They asked me to join their international team of healthcare professionals as a videographer for a 30-minute documentary that our local community television station approved several months earlier. I recently started videotaping my speeches to refine them and thought that […]

The meaning of “Ponn”

Excited, anxious, nervous, and overwhelmed are just some of the feelings I had when I published my first blog. Those who know me would say that this is “normal” for the very hyperactive Ponn. I openly and proudly refer to “Psycho Ponn” often. It’s a good thing, most of the time. As I reflect on what I consider to be […]

Four of the Best Educational Toys for Toddlers

There is no doubt that educational toys for toddlers can help your child become smarter in their preschool years. Yes, you don’t have to wait until she goes to school to teach her things that can help lay a good foundation for her learning. In fact, you can teach your child some very important lessons, and this can be a […]

Rediscover Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

I don’t even remember if I ever read the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and if I did, I probably scrambled through it, thinking I had the concepts down. I made a mistake. I recently came across the Blaine Oelkers guide, Mastering Think and Grow Rich. You can find Blaine’s guide at the end of this article. […]

Mickey Dancing – The most popular toy for children

The Fisher Price Dance Star Mickey is the most popular toy to hit the market since little Elmo revolutionized dance toys years ago. Mickey Mouse was introduced over 80 years ago and still remains a favorite and lovable character for children and toy collectors alike. He teaches fun and kindness wherever he goes and those traits continue in this hot […]