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The 4 main types of blocks in Karate

For martial arts students, the same emphasis is placed on blocking an opponent’s blows as learning to attack. When blocking punches, be it punches, kicks, elbows, knees, etc., there is often more than one technique. For most karate students, the four main types of strike defense initially taught include the high block, the low block, the internal block, and the external block.

Some martial arts schools will deviate slightly from others when it comes to technique, but for the most part these four types of blocks are standardized across multiple martial arts disciplines. For more information, try doing some YouTube searches for videos of martial arts practitioners performing each of these blocks, having a visual aid is a great benefit in learning the proper form.

High lock is a technique commonly used to defend downward blows to the head, such as hammer fists, backhand, and ax kicks. When attempting to block a downward blow, the arm is raised above the head, with the clenched fist outward, and the outer forearm is used to deflect the attack.

Low lock It is used to block and deflect mid-body blows such as spinning kicks, straight kicks, and hook hits. When blocking a mid-body blow, the arm moves from guard position in a downward circular motion in an attempt to deflect the blow or kick with the back of the forearm.

Inner lock it’s a great way to prevent straight attacks, including straight kicks, side kicks, and punches. To execute this defensive movement, the arm rotates inward from the guard position with the aim of deflecting the blow away from the face and / or the body by pushing it with the outer forearm.

Exterior lock is the opposite movement of the inside lock and is a great way to deflect a series of attacks, including spinning kicks, spinning punches, and spinning backhand. To perform an external block, move your arm from guard position outward so that your forearm makes contact with the blow, leaving a closed fist with your back to the body.

The best way to know which block to use against different punches and kicks is to practice regularly, not only at home in front of a mirror, but also sparring and practicing with other students. The objective of the practice is to train the reaction of the mind and the body to the attacks, the more practice you put, the more the body will learn to react instinctively.

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