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The benefits of affirmations in a society in love with technology

It wasn’t that long ago that when you wanted to make a phone call you did it at home, at the office or stopped at a pay phone. Now it’s incredibly inconvenient when driving through a “dead zone” while talking on your cell phone. Now you can take photos or videos and post them on your website through your mobile phone. And the GPS is integrated!

I guess people have always been intrigued with gadgets, and the way technology is advancing it doesn’t look like the intrigue is going to abate anytime soon.

I don’t mean to say that technology is just about “gadgets”. The things that have been and are being produced are for the most part useful advances. At least in the areas of communications and business. For my part, as a portrait photographer, I rely on computer technology for everything I do that is technical. My cameras are digital, which means they are little computers with lenses. And my darkroom is a computer with wonderful imaging software called Photoshop.

I really like my cameras and my Photoshop and I wouldn’t back down on technology for anything. But I’ll tell you one thing: My clients and friends don’t really care about my digital cameras or what I do with Photoshop! My clients don’t hire me to do their portraits for my cameras or my Photoshop. And here’s the point of this article… They hire me because when they first contact me, I build a relationship with them and let them know that I care about them and their needs.

I can almost hear you say, “Uh-huh…what does that have to do with claims or technology?” All this has to do with human relationships. The purpose of life is (and you thought you would have to climb the Himalayas to get this truth…), to experience and share love. The human experience has to do with personal relationships.

You’ve heard that “No man is an island” and that’s because humans thrive on personal relationships. On the other hand, without loving personal relationships, human beings tend to wither and withdraw into themselves and die.

It bothers me to see people in a restaurant or driving a car or walking down the street, and while they are with another person or people they choose to talk to another person on their cell phone. They are with people, in person, and yet they prefer to talk on the phone or text. It gives a kind of security shield, I guess, but it’s bad for relationships. The further away you go from personal contact, the more your interpersonal skills deteriorate.

I know a lot of people have insecurities and lack of self-confidence, so email and cell phones offer them a kind of buffer. And that is very good. However, don’t you agree that, above all, it’s a better strategy to work on improving your confidence and relationship skills?

Most people in business know that the business they’re in, no matter what the product or service is, the real business they’re in is the business of relationships. People buy from people, not corporations or organizations. People buy from people they like. And unless the product or service is something you can’t get anywhere else, and it’s critical, people won’t buy a second time from people who are rude or make you feel like you’ve annoyed them with your presence.

If you don’t own a business and you work for a business, if you want to get ahead in business, you need to have good interpersonal skills and at least give the impression that you enjoy what you do.

Technology continues to advance and will continue to provide a variety of ways to avoid personal contact. If we continue to take full advantage of all that technology has to offer, I can envision a future where people will seclude themselves in a virtual reality cocoon and become more like a machine.

We can do better than that! Technology is good when used for the right reasons. People are not machines. We are sentient beings who require love and personal relationships to move forward and develop our highest potential.

The mind of man is an incredible creation. He is always learning. The conscious mind is the part that makes judgments. The subconscious mind is the part that is always learning and non-judgmental. The unfortunate part of this is that the subconscious mind accepts whatever you give it with feeling or emotion, whether it is morally right or wrong… without judgment. The lucky part of that is that we can train our subconscious the way we want!

One of the most effective ways to train the subconscious mind is through affirmations. If one wants to improve in an area of ​​life, let’s say to be more confident or more outgoing, more patient, more loving, even to be healthier, we can use affirmations to achieve it!

The easiest way to implement affirmation training is to think about the particular area you want to improve. Let’s use trust as an example. Think of an example of how you would act if you were more confident. I would be more outgoing and would enjoy meeting people and being in social situations.

Then you write a statement of how you want to be. For this example, you could write: I enjoy meeting people socially and people find me interesting and likeable! This then becomes your affirmation. You put it to work by reading it out loud with feeling, and you do it several times throughout the day. It is especially helpful to repeat this several times just before falling asleep at night. That is when your subconscious has the least resistance to new ideas and beliefs.

Most likely, your subconscious learned and adopted the lack of confidence as a belief through repeated statements made to your audience as you grew older. This is how we arrive at most of our beliefs. And the subconscious likes to hold on to established beliefs. But you can train him to adopt new and better beliefs by repeating positive affirmations.

I recently discovered something that I believe can have tremendous benefit from embracing the beliefs and attributes that one wants to develop or improve. It is a piece of jewelry that is worn as a pendant on a necklace. You can have it done with specific positive words of your choice engraved on it. It’s called MyLifeLabel and you can find it on the Internet. Simply search for MyLifeLabel.

It works because you use it and every time you feel it or someone comments on it, you think about it and the positive reminders engraved on it. This is a type of passive affirmation, but it works just the same because you are thinking about the affirmation. The site talks about experiments and principles that are the basis behind it. The most important thing to remember is that you can enhance and develop the personal attributes you desire by having the desire first and using positive affirmations to train your subconscious to adopt the best beliefs!

Use technology for the benefits it provides, but don’t build a wall of technology and hide behind it. Use positive affirmations to be the best person you can be and improve your relationship skills.

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