Health Fitness

To relieve hip pain, do this

When people have hip pain, they often look specifically to the hip area for relief. They may have an injection into the hip joint or physical therapy for the hip, which may or may not work. However, recent evidence shows that there is a correlation between imbalances in the pelvis and poor core and trunk stability and flexibility, and hip injuries and pain. This article will discuss the common causes of hip pain and a safe and gentle approach to pain relief.

Certainly, hip pain can be caused by intrinsic abnormalities such as degeneration, bursitis, tendonitis, etc. But many times, there are other complicating factors. One major factor that I have seen countless times in my 35 years of chiropractic practice is an association between hip pain and pelvic mechanical problems. To fully understand this, let’s look at the anatomy and structure of the pelvis.

The pelvis is made up of three bones. The tail bone in the middle is called the sacrum. The wing bones on each side of the sacrum are called the iliac bones. There are joints between the sacrum and the two iliac bones called sacroiliac joints (sometimes called SI joints). The sacroiliac joints are sliding joints. When we walk, for example, the SI joints slide from side to side.

Sometimes the pelvis can become misaligned, rotated into a poor position, or develop improper movements of the sacroiliac joints. When either of these happens, it can cause one to put more weight on one lower extremity than the other. When this weight imbalance occurs, it puts abnormal stress on one of the hip joints, which can eventually lead to hip pain. Mechanically, this can also cause degenerative wear and tear changes in the hip. It also tends to put stress on structures like bursae and tendons, resulting in bursitis and tendinitis.

As a chiropractor, I am trained to evaluate and analyze mechanical problems of the pelvis and associated hip problems. I always look for pelvic bone misalignments and sacroiliac joints that move incorrectly. In addition, it is prudent to observe the muscular function of the trunk muscles, the buttocks/gluteal muscles, and the thigh and hamstring muscles.

In March 2018, Belgian researchers reviewed information from nine previously published studies and noted the importance of core stability and the relationship with hip/lower extremity injuries. The researchers reported that core strength, core balance, and coordination are directly related to the likelihood of lower extremity/hip injuries.

I direct my treatment toward realigning and restoring proper motion of the pelvis and sacroiliac joints with gentle and safe chiropractic adjustments. I also use deep pressure trigger point therapy for muscles that are tight and in spasm. Finally, education and training for my patients is introduced and encouraged, involving stretching exercises for the hamstrings, thighs, and glutes, along with core muscle strengthening.

Chiropractors are health professionals who are trained to mechanically evaluate the entire body of the patient, from the feet to the head. We found that using this diagnostic testing method, rather than a narrow and specific approach, generally produces favorable results. This is especially true for patients seeking hip pain relief through gentle and safe chiropractic adjustments and muscle strengthening and stretching.

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