Is determination enough to change those bad habits?

Most of us are taught that if we try hard enough, we can achieve any goal. But sometimes when we’ve been reinforcing a habit for years, Determination will not be enough to change that pattern.. Of course, being determined is an essential ingredient in changing your habits, but in my 20 years of mentoring and coaching entrepreneurs, I can guarantee […]

Medications known to cause sudden deafness in dogs

First, before your dog is treated for an inner ear infection, it is important to determine if it is a bacterial, yeast, or fungal infection. Treating yeast and fungal infections with specific antibiotics is counterproductive. It could temporarily or even permanently damage your dog’s hearing! Most of the time, this deafness involves older dogs … but that doesn’t eliminate younger […]

Free To Play: fashion or future?

There is only one move left, hastily skimming the field and I discover that there is no path to victory on the board; painfully, then, with a singular slide across the screen, I take the final step toward the inescapable loss of my final life. As the entrance is completed, the newly lined up trio of brightly colored candies explodes […]

Three Movies About Indian Crime You Must See

With most movies talking about crime in India in the late eighties and nineties, one remembers the caper crime movies in Bollywood. Unfortunately, there aren’t many crime movies and most of the crime-focused movies out there talked more about the emotional turmoil of the criminal and how he came to be a criminal. You see, hedonism is still a foreign […]

San Juan Puerto Rico

San Juan is the capital of Puerto Rico, a popular island tourist destination in the Caribbean. The city of San Juan was founded in 1521 and is known as La Ciudad Amurallada, which means the walled city. San Juan is the largest natural port in the Caribbean and the second oldest city in America. The city is a major port […]