Choice of Law on Syndicated Loans and Bonds

INTRODUCTION: Any relationship between two entities, be they persons or institutions, cannot be established except in accordance with some set of rules. These rules may be inapplicable norms or customs of a group or society, or some explicit laws that have a binding and enforceable authority. A contract is a formal structure of a relationship between two or more parties, […]

A chocolate a day can keep you healthy

Eating dark chocolate is widely believed to be good for cardiovascular health. However, some health and lifestyle experts emphasized that there is no evidence for this fact. Recently, the British Journal of Nutrition published a new study supporting the regular consumption of chocolate. Before you change your diet to eat more chocolate and sweets, you should understand that this study […]

Natural Treatment for Giardia

Giardia It is a protozoan parasite found in lakes, streams, ditches, and other outdoor water sources. The parasite is expelled by wild animals high up in the basin, and as the water descends, it becomes further contaminated by other animals living nearby. Any dog ​​or cat that drinks from a pond, river, or other natural water source is likely to […]

Things to avoid when looking for vacation homes

Tenants beware. Fraudulent vacation home listings have become increasingly popular. Scammers have become very adept at hacking into legitimate real estate databases and even drafting actual leases. Unfortunately, websites like Craigslist just aren’t aggressive enough to defy the tricks and techniques used by today’s sophisticated scammers. Here are some typical traps and tricks scammers use to defraud vacation home victims: […]

Wake up the entrepreneur in you!

The Internet has made it easy to research any topic you want. The budding entrepreneur can find what they want online, with just a few clicks of the mouse. If you want to study something, look at your PC. Ideas for starting a business, especially a web-based one, are all there. From feasibility to product sourcing, from sales to payment […]

Where is the world’s largest neon sign?

Where is this giant sign? It’s right where it should be. There is only one logical place in this country where it could be. No, it’s not in New York City. A neon sign of this size needs a lot of space. You also have to advertise somewhere that is popular enough that this gigantic billboard can pay for itself. […]

The true art of self defense

Very frowned upon by the most experienced martial artist is the idea and the complete fallacy that an exponent of martial arts is also an expert in self-defense. The self-defense environment in which he practices is nowhere near the type of environment in which he is likely to be attacked. A trained martial artist may have the ability to remain […]

Keeping the fire safe while celebrating Hanukkah

Tradition! Tradition! Tradition is what Hanukkah is all about. To commemorate the miracles of old when the Israelites were miraculously saved from the tyrannical rule of ancient Greece, Jews around the world light their menorahs and place them in front of their home windows or by the doorway. From the first night, when only one candle is lit, adding up […]

The SEO advantages of guest blogging

While search engine algorithm updates have changed the SEO landscape considerably over the years, there have been a few things that have remained constant. One of them is the demand from search engines for unique and fresh content. Google and several other search engines give preference to websites that are creative with their content and take advantage of various content […]

7 positive reasons to use quartz stone countertops

Quartz has a unique combination of beauty and a non-porous surface that makes it a perfect kitchen countertop material. In addition, it is scratch resistant and very easy to clean and maintain without the need for polishing or sealing. Here are seven of the top reasons to look at quartz stone countertops: Appearance It is possible to craft quartz to […]