What causes your circuit breaker to blow?

Circuit breakers are electrical components designed to protect us against electrical shock hazards and our homes against fire and other types of damage that can cause electrical faults. Each circuit breaker in your electrical panel typically protects one or more related circuits against overloads, short circuits, and ground leakage. To understand what causes a circuit breaker to blow (or more […]

7 tips to remove skin tags at home

Scarred skin is a major source of discomfort and embarrassment for many who suffer from it. Sometimes skin tags make it embarrassing for you to wear summer clothes or go to the beach altogether. Skin tags are nothing more than loose skin that hangs from the body. They are more than just a cosmetic problem and, in extreme cases, can […]

Appraisal Rider – Insurance Claim Dispute

Business owners and homeowners often encounter problems filing a claim with their insurance company. Even when you are represented by a public adjuster or attorney, it is common for there to be some type of dispute between the value of the claim. Virtually all homeowners insurance policy contracts include an appraisal clause that can be invoked if there is a […]

Success Lessons from the Winter Olympics: Visualization

Over the next few weeks, the Olympic Games will undoubtedly generate plenty of headlines centered around inspiring stories, unexpected successes, good/bad TV ratings, and even scandals. But here’s a fact you probably don’t hear much about: With each Olympics, countries around the world are relying more on sports psychology to help their athletes achieve success and win gold. Canada, for […]

miss brick house

At nineteen, in 1975, I was selling advertising for the OSU college newspaper, The Lantern, and submitting stories and getting published in the “fringe” student newspaper, Our Choking Times. The one where I earned his respect as a budding radical, then flew over the lines of professionalism to dating Gil Scott-Heron. Not only did I write about the oldest, coolest […]

Four Internet Strategies for Fundraising

The Internet offers a platform and a set of communication tools that are valuable to all nonprofit organizations in their fundraising efforts. Your donors and prospective donors often use the Internet to verify organizations before they commit. Your Internet communications plan may include multiple entry points: your website, Facebook page, blog, email newsletter, registration with various portals, online photo galleries, […]