Search for singles on free online dating services

Searching for singles on free online dating services is common in recent years due to this modern century we live in today. Searching for singles online is very easy. It takes a few clicks from your computer. You can see millions of single people appearing in front of your screen. These single people always have photos attached with their personal […]

Are Wardrobe Boxes Worth It?

Are Wardrobe Boxes Worth It? Space saving If you want to save space in your closet, there are many options to choose from. Depending on your needs, you can purchase storage boxes that come in various sizes and styles. They are great for organizing accessories such as belts, scarves and gloves, as well as clothes that are out of season. […]

History of the Leatherman Wave Multitool

This is a story of the Leatherman Wave multitool. It covers everything from Timothy Leatherman’s first patent in 1980 to the launch of the Wave in 1998. Timothy S. Leatherman majored in mechanical engineering at Oregon State University. Having painstakingly repaired his car with a normal pocket knife, he created what was called the “Boy Scout knife with pliers”. Leatherman […]

How to find a good financial planner

“How do we find financial planners or estate planners to help us execute what’s best for us?” It’s a great question. The standard response one would get from a talking head on CNBC is “Find a licensed financial planner, and then get at least three references, then make sure to see if they’re working towards their own goals and not […]

The need for an app

It is no longer enough for a company or business in today’s technology-driven world to have a well-designed website full of content and information provided to their potential customers for free. The “app bubble,” as some people are now calling it, is forcing companies to consider other technological avenues to reach customers, streamline certain processes, and ultimately grow their businesses […]

College Basketball – A Slam Dunk for Scholarships

Not all children can continue their education to the university level. Earning a college degree can be difficult. The location, the courses available must be carefully considered, as well as the cost of registration. Therefore, many students apply for financial aid; if they are talented in sports, they look for athletic scholarships, which could also serve as a springboard to […]