Suicide in modern entertainment

To kick off the new year, YouTube star Logan Paul released a video showing the dead body of a suicide victim. This video sparked a lot of feelings, including a recurring storyline, The Encouragement to Suicide in Modern Entertainment. Some parents believe that modern media extol suicide. From 13 Reasons Why to The Game of Thrones, almost every TV show […]

Hardcore Fury: Top 10 Hardcore Pro Wrestlers

Professional wrestling has long been seen as a combination of traditional skills on the mat with added entertainment. Unconditional fighting is the exact opposite of this image for its use of fighting, weapons, and even blood. Tough wrestling has been seen in many promotions such as ECW, WCW, and CZW. Many fighters have adapted to this style and have thrived […]

A president of the United States encouraging illegal aliens to vote in the 2016 election? Unheard of, but true!

In a previous article published in EzineArticles, on the illegal manipulation of the 2016 presidential election by Hillary Clinton, the evidence of such manipulation was incontrovertibly presented through an undercover video, “Operation Veritas”, made by the team. undercover investigation by James O’keefe. . In that particular video, a high-level Democrat, a notorious leader in Hillary’s campaign, was recorded saying that […]