3 reasons not to clean and reuse a HEPA filter

Some air purifying units come with washable filters. For example, electrostatic air purifiers are low maintenance units. The beauty of these units is that you can wash the filters many times and there will be no need to buy new ones. Thus, you can save tons of money in the long run. However, you can also invest in a HEPA-based […]

A Brief History of Office Supply Stores

For many decades, office supplies have often been sold in local bookstores across the country and in other parts of the world. Today, there are several different stores such as Office Depot and Staples that specialize in providing business establishments with various office supplies and equipment. From paper products to office furniture and accessories, these office supply stores have become […]

Alternative financing vs. venture capital: which is the best option to boost working capital?

There are several potential financing options available to cash-strapped companies that need a healthy dose of working capital. A bank loan or line of credit is often the first option homeowners think of, and for businesses that qualify, this may be the best option. In today’s uncertain business, economic and regulatory environment, qualifying for a bank loan can be difficult, […]

The Band Box Tavern

Recently, my sister and I were reminiscing about our wild party days when we were younger, when we would go out until 5 in the morning and hide in my car around the corner from the house, waiting for our mother to go to the worked. so we wouldn’t come in while she was having breakfast in her nightgown. Inevitably, […]

7 steps to get a business loan

Before the Great Recession hit, it was much easier to get business loans. You have to meet certain requirements before the lender can grant you the loan. Below are 7 steps you may want to take when applying for business loans. keep reading Develop a relationship with the lender Even before you need the loan, you may want to develop […]

Missouri Payroll, Unique Aspects of Missouri Payroll Law and Practice

The Missouri State Agency that oversees the collection and reporting of state income taxes deducted from payroll checks is: revenue Department Taxation and Collection Division Withholding Tax Section post office box 3375 City of Jefferson, MO 65105-3375 (573) 751-5752 http://www.dor.mo.gov/ Missouri requires that you use the Missouri form “MO-W4, Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate” instead of a federal form W-4 for […]