If you need to lose weight fast, here are some hints and tips to maybe flatten your belly.

There are numerous approaches to individual weight loss goals. Losing too much weight too quickly, or through unhealthy means, can actually hurt your body and your goals. These handful of tips will help you experience rapid weight loss as quickly as possible through healthy methods. Weightlifting One of the best tips for rapid reduction comes straight from the gym. While […]

Treadmills Review: The Tunturi T20 Treadmill

Would you like to start a fitness program, but aren’t sure where to start? Well, medical authorities and fitness experts agree that getting a reasonable amount of regular exercise has enormous benefits. In just 30 minutes, 3 times a week, you can start enjoying all the positive benefits that even a modest fitness regimen provides. A fairly flexible form of […]

What do parakeets eat?

Budgies (more precisely known as budgies) are like most other birds, enjoying a varied diet rather than the same seed every day. So what do you feed your little feathered friends? Parakeets are vegetarians, so they enjoy a good balanced diet of seeds, vegetables, and fruit. So what kind of fruits do we give our parakeets? Budgies are known to […]

PAD – Intermittent Claudication – Natural Options

Intermittent claudication (Latin: claudicatio intermittens) is a clinical diagnosis given by muscle pain (ache, cramp, numbness, or a feeling of fatigue), typically in the calf muscles, that occurs during exercise and is relieved by a brief rest period. The term claudication comes from the Latin for ‘limping’. This is exactly what this condition forces someone to do: hobble to a […]

Most gained weight during the pandemic restrictions! How will you lose weight?: 5 things to keep in mind!

A recent study indicated that most people gained weight during the period we were in, self-quarantine, or stay at home, much more, than usual! In fact, he claimed, the average weight gain was about 1.8 pounds per month, and since this pandemic is over a year old, some have gained a significant amount of unwanted weight, etc. Many people, today, […]

9 CrossFit exercises to lose weight and belly fat

CrossFit is a series of training methods primarily intended to improve strength and conditioning. It focuses primarily on Olympic-style weightlifting, but at the same time consists of various routines that aim to develop various physical attributes such as stamina, strength, speed, coordination, balance, and more. What separates CrossFit workouts from all other methods is that most who use it find […]

Is your health portfolio balanced?

We are all aware of the need to balance our financial portfolio so that in times of difficulty or when disaster strikes (stock market crashes, pink slips, etc.), we are affected as little as possible by financial challenges. Having a substantial bank account allows us many opportunities that people with less financial knowledge and preparation need for the ego. Perhaps […]