10 futuristic tech predictions for inside sales teams

What is AI? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. I prefer automated intelligence. He is already with us in many forms. Artificial intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines or software. Algorithms that help make Google the smartest search engine in the galaxy. Stock markets around the world use Algos, as they are called, which enable high-frequency trading using algorithms. It is […]

thoughts are reality

Using Albert Einstein’s infamous equation E=MC2 I have generated Rainer’s Time Longevity Equation by substituting the coefficient C (the speed of light) with its equivalent speed variables D/T (Distance/Time) Rainer’s temporal longevity equation is: T=√D2x M x 1/E Time is equal to the square root of the distance squared multiplied by the matter and then multiplied by the reciprocal of […]

The Voice of the Flesh, the Voice of Demons, the Voice of God and the Bible

We are communicative beings. When we are awake, we are constantly generating or listening to communications. According to the Bible, there are three sources of communicative generation: the flesh, demons, and God. Ideally, everything would have a preface. “This message is from your flesh”, gold, “You are about to hear a demon.” Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Identifying the […]

fun facts about coffee

Either you love coffee or you hate it. Some people prefer tea. However, coffee is the second most traded product in the world. The oil is the first. Coffee plants can only grow in countries that do not have frost in winter. That is why coffee is grown near the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Only two […]