Developing Psychic Mental Powers: How To Develop Psychic Abilities Through Hypnosis

Are you psychic? Whether you want to develop psychic abilities in the form of telepathy (communicating through thought), clairvoyance (seeing the future), psychokinesis (moving things with your mind), or extrasensory perception (ESP: knowing things intuitively), they all have one thing in mind. common … develop your subconscious mind. Psychic abilities do not come from the logical and critical conscious mind; […]

Poor man’s omelette

Let’s start with all the tools and ingredients you’ll need to cook the perfect poor man’s omelette: warming flat surface, egg ring (the size of an omelet – 8 “), oil / butter, fork, 3 eggs, and leftovers in the pan. refrigerator. The first step is to grease or butter the surface on which you will cook and heat it. […]

Is chocolate pudding healthy?

Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree. The beans from the tree undergo a considerable amount of processing before the chocolate is produced, but they end up with a lot of antioxidants. Chocolate is believed to increase serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain, which has a stimulating effect. It also contains stimulants that increase alertness. The […]

Methods to increase breast size

Most women are aware of the size or shape of their breasts. While no pill can permanently enlarge breast size, milk thistle or blessed thistle and fenugreek are common natural herbs used to temporarily add size and curvature to breast tissue. Exercise, lifestyle changes, and weight gain can also enlarge breasts without surgery. Here are some methods to increase your […]

Masturbation Tips: Get Out Of The Routine

Because masturbation is one of the easiest ways for a man to entertain himself, it is something that they tend to do on a regular basis. Many men have absolutely no problem with their masturbation routines and make masturbation a part of their penis care regimens. These men masturbate and enjoy themselves, plain and simple. But some men find that […]

Antifungal diet: to treat yeast infections

While not that popular, having an antifungal diet is a good treatment for yeast infection. The body produces yeast naturally. However, when the body produces too much yeast, it manifests itself externally in warm and humid parts of our body. That is why yeast cultures form in the oral cavity or vagina. Since yeast infection occurs when the body is […]

Teaching Tarot to Children

Teaching tarot to children is one of the best ways to get them involved in this ancient spiritual art. Years ago, the tarot was seen as something we should get away from, however, these days it has been demystified a lot and people have started to put aside their fear and negativity towards the tarot. More and more people are […]

The Yin and Yang of the strokes

I was fascinated by the YouTube video of brain researcher Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. Somehow he managed to study his own stroke as it happened. He felt his brain functions fade one by one. First speech, movement, and then understanding faded, leaving her totally stunned by the experience. Eight years later he has made a full recovery and is giving […]