Taekwondo Pioneers: Haeng Ung Lee

October 5, 2010 was the tenth anniversary of the passing of Haeng Ung Lee (1936-2000), founder of the American Taekwondo Association. According to the Korean tradition of hehe (annual memorial for family members who have passed away), we take the time to remember an extraordinary man with an extraordinary vision. Lee grew up amid the difficulties of the Japanese occupation […]

Is this cookie and password business really that hard?

When visiting a website by default, a user’s device receives a cookie, the password is saved and the information flows freely. The Internet today is a generalized information structure, the prototype of what is called the Global Information Infrastructure. Information that is meant to be free and shared around the world. Cookie and password packages There are 7,634,758,428 people who […]

5 simple cybersecurity rules to follow at home

Much has been written about proper cyber security measures for those working from remote locations. While remote workers should be aware and educated about precautions to protect against a data breach on their corporate business network, the same applies to those who use their devices primarily for leisure activities. Taking some necessary precautions doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, […]

A Christmas boycott that worked

AS 1961 ENDED, some whites in the Mississippi Delta were dreaming of a “white” Christmas when they decided to keep their black patrons away from the annual Clarksdale town parade. His tune changed when the Coahoma County NAACP chapter led by civil rights activist Aaron Henry sponsored a major boycott during the 1961 holiday shopping season. Downtown stores relied heavily […]