Top 5 Reasons to Visit Margaritaville in Jamaica

It is probably impossible for you to visit Montego Bay Jamaica and miss out on visiting Margaritaville Montego Bay. It was opened in 1996 by two native Jamaicans to provide an entertaining, fun, exciting environment and a great place to hang out for locals and visitors alike. Here are the top five reasons why Margaritaville Montego Bay is such a […]

Reflections of Travel to the Caribbean

As a certified travel agent for four decades, international airline employee, researcher, writer, teacher, and photographer, travel, whether for pleasure or business, has always been an important and integral part of my life. Some 400 trips to all parts of the world, by road, rail, sea and air, involved destinations both mundane and exotic. This article focuses on those in […]

Where is the world’s largest neon sign?

Where is this giant sign? It’s right where it should be. There is only one logical place in this country where it could be. No, it’s not in New York City. A neon sign of this size needs a lot of space. You also have to advertise somewhere that is popular enough that this gigantic billboard can pay for itself. […]

The shocks of life seem to tell us something: can we understand it?

When life is based on psychology dominated by self-interest and self-importance, mediocrity in life is inevitable. People have a tendency to compensate for this by belonging to a system, religious or otherwise. It gives them the feeling of being someone, of getting somewhere. However, such dependency sustains the fear against which the defense develops. What is needed is a radical […]

Outdoor Life Coaching Explained

What is Outdoor Life Coaching? First of all, I suppose that perhaps it is necessary to clarify what exactly is meant by outdoor life coaching. While I often cheerfully tell people that it does what it says on the tin, which is life training done outdoors, this isn’t always helpful. There are many articles you can refer to to discuss […]

How to Grill Chicken Breast on Your Grill La Caja China

We don’t eat chicken just because it’s delicious, but it also provides many health benefits. First of all, it is high in protein, which makes it excellent for aiding weight loss. Chicken meat is also a natural antidepressant; prevents bone loss and stimulates metabolism when taken in the correct amounts. Above all, chicken is among our children’s favorite foods! You […]

The number 1 secret to earn more money

I recently read a blog by Mal Emery Mal is an internet and marketing billionaire residing here in Perth. Mal was talking about the secret to wealth, and in a nutshell, I took his message to mean that the #1 secret to wealth is…practice (and become an expert in) a timeless skill that allows you to earn more. money. For […]