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10 fashion tips for female musicians: what to wear on stage

One thing that all successful musicians have in common is a keen eye for fashion. They make their mark by being super trendy or very basic down to earth. The following 10 tips will help you develop your own fashion as well as concentrating on some of the “missteps” to avoid.

Do you have the “star factor”? Most celebrities hire consultants to help them create their unique image, but you probably don’t have the same budget as them. That doesn’t mean you can’t create your own “je ne sais quoi”. Study some of your favorite artists and find out what makes them stand out from the crowd. The goal is not to copy someone else, but to collect ideas that you can later on stage to radiate your own style.

Right clothes, wrong concert. Wearing jeans in a bar is one thing, but wearing them in an exclusive setting is generally not appropriate. If you’re not sure what kind of clothes to wear to a concert, call the venue beforehand and ask about the dress code. The smart casual look (no jeans but something classy) is common in most hot spots. Avoid clothing made of cotton that wrinkles easily and looks too ordinary. Stick to polyester or blends that look stylish and wear well. For a nice dinner, try a nice dress or fancy pants and a fancy blouse.

Have a nice trip … see you next fall. Beware of potentially dangerous clothing, such as tassels hanging from skirts or pants. This type of clothing can not only cause you to trip while on stage, but it can also be very distracting if you are playing an instrument. Consider not wearing rings or bracelets if they interfere with your performance. Many musicians don’t wear watches because they tend to get in the way of performance. It is far better to focus and have a great concert than to cause embarrassment by stumbling across your bling style.

Shoes that kill. Remember those beautiful stilettos that screamed your name from the store window? So when you finally used them, did you feel like you were going to die at the end of the night?

Performing in uncomfortable shoes makes the concert very long and painful. It is worth spending time looking for comfortable shoes. If you can’t bear to see your feet without those killer shoes, wear something more comfortable for the concert and change them right before you play. Bring another pair of shoes for your later outfits. This will change your arch, move pressure to another part of your foot, and create less fatigue.

Out of style, out of mind. Stay up-to-date with fashion, especially if you’re performing for a younger crowd. You don’t need to buy new clothes every week, but you do need to keep something up to date. For older crowds, buy clothes that are more conservative, but still in style.

Get Fantastic Hair – Find Your Perfect Haircut. No matter what your age is, having great hair is a must. Nothing looks worse than a female artist whose hair is outdated or has roots that are in desperate need of a touch-up. No matter how cool your clothes are: having perfect dresses not only increases your professionalism, but makes you feel like a star..

Look fabulous with the right colors. Knowing what colors accentuate your hair and skin is essential. Certain colors can make you look tired or pale, especially under stage lights. If your colors have never been done, visit a professional color consultant. They will quickly assess your best colors and make suggestions to accentuate your features.

Do your clothes intimidate your audience? Female musicians are often under the microscope, particularly for their worst critics: other women. Depending on the type of venue you are in, make sure your clothing is not a threat to the women in your audience. Jealous women can make negative comments to venue owners, which could cost you your concert.

Dress at your age. Whether you are young or old, always dress appropriately for your age. If you are younger and performing for a more mature audience, the key is to dress more conservatively. If you’re a little older, you don’t want to dress like a teenager unless you know you can really pull it off.

Dress according to your body type. It’s important to attract your audience by being fashionable, but make sure your clothes aren’t generating the wrong kind of attention. Aim for fashions that suit your body and watch out for clothes that are too small or too big. To get an objective point of view, ask your friends for opinions about your stage clothes. You can also take pictures of yourself to get a different perspective.

These 10 tips are not the absolute fad for female musicians, but they are a good starting point. Being a fashionista can dramatically increase the dynamism of your stage and give you that star quality that sets you apart from the rest!

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