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10 table manners every family should practice

There is tons of information today, both in book form and on the Internet, that addresses business etiquette and how to conduct yourself at that all-important power lunch. Unfortunately, the table manners used at home have all but disappeared. Families go through the day at such a fast pace that table manners have become almost an inconvenience. Why eat with a fork when Spanish tapas, Wing Dings, pizza and soup that you can literally drink from the bottle are “all the rage”.

What about sitting down to a nutritious meal and enjoying the fellowship of your family and friends? Are we doomed to continue living the life of fast food addicts and healthy fast food? Does eating healthier mean we still don’t have time to stop and smell the cilantro in the salad? When did it become fashionable to eat in public and walk around with a mocha caramel chocolate espresso super chai extravaganza in hand while shopping at the mall? We need to step back and remember that our children are watching our every move. So when they walk in with a can of “Red Bull” (a caffeine-laden energy drink) and swat you like a fly on the wall, don’t complain; it is you who must teach them to slow down and take the time to enjoy the small pleasures in life.

How do you start? Here are 10 suggestions for creating family rules regarding manners in the home and at the dining table:

1. When dining at a friend or relative’s house, always be on time, they really don’t have to wait more than 15 minutes before dinner is served.

2. Always use a napkin. Don’t assume your mouth is big enough to catch every crumb, it isn’t.

3. Learn to use a knife and fork, they go together for a reason.

4. Always say “Please” and “Thank you.” In fact!

5. Bacon can be eaten with your fingers or with a fork. The next time you criticize someone eating their bacon with their fingers, know that it’s finicky and proper.

6. Sandwiches must be cut in half and eaten with fingers. Parents remember that at fast food restaurants or any restaurant, ask the cook to cut the sandwiches in half or quarters, it really makes life better for your little one.

7. When food accidents happen, and they will, a simple apology is best. There is no need to embarrass your children or others involved in the incident. This is a time when “less really is more.”

8. Everyone in your family should strive to practice good table manners. Remind your family members that when they’re away from home, they’re a representation of the kind of home they come from…so represent well.

9. Always follow up a formal or casual dining experience with a thank you note. This can be in the form of a phone call, fax, email, or Hallmark.

10. Parents should document special dinner commitments and note family traditions. Is there a special prayer that is always recited at Thanksgiving? Does Grandma ask special questions during the family New Year’s celebration? Don’t you have a special gastronomic tradition? Start one. There is no better time than the present.

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