A restaurant critics worst-case scenario

One of the most interesting things for a restaurant critic is having a pleasant experience and suddenly something unexpected happens. After traveling the United States and Canada for about 5 years, I noticed that the service at some of the most respected restaurant chains was quite uneven. Which means that not only was quality control at one end or the […]

The Best Sports Betting Podcasts

Sports Betting Podcasts If you’re looking for an easy way to understand the latest in sports betting, listen to the best sports betting podcast. VSin Best Bets is one of the best, with episodes featuring Vegas Stats and Information Network contributors such as Matt Youmans and Gill Alexander. They also feature veteran industry analyst Ken Barkley. This podcast is definitely […]

Why buy designer kitchen appliances?

Have you ever wanted to beautify your kitchen? In addition to completely renovating or buying expensive countertops, buying designer kitchen appliances can increase the style quotient of your kitchen. But then the question remains, why buy designer appliances when they do? exactly the same things as normal appliances? This notion is not true and designer appliances are much more than […]

Covered Combos Options: 3 Ways to Trade Covered Combos

A Covered Combo is built by combining two other separate and distinct strategies: the covered call and the strip option. You write, or sell, a call option against 100 shares you own (the covered purchase portion of the transaction) and receive cash (the premium) in exchange for giving someone else the right, but not the obligation, to buy his actions. […]