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Home Water Filter Information

Water jets are good substitutes for bottled water because it is inexpensive (bottled water can cost hundreds of dollars per person in 1 year), environmentally friendly (due to no plastic bottles to throw away), and easy to use. .

These are the different types of water filters:

Faucet Flow Filters – Filter sits directly on top; The advantage of using this filter is the use of a carbon block filter for good and fine filtration. It is convenient to use due to the flip lever to hold the filtered and unfiltered water. But this type of filter has its own disadvantages; it is prone to leaks, it has to be light to prevent it from hanging on the pipe. The flow of water needs to be controlled; opening the faucet to the maximum can cause a high pressure that can cause the filter to come out of the spout.

Pitcher Jet Filters – This is a type of water pitcher that has an additional top section to hold the filter, the water sits on top, then the water flows through the filter and collects below. The advantage of this type is reliability and long life, there is no possible high water pressure that can cause strain on the filter. It is also easy to use because it requires no installation and is portable and can be placed inside the refrigerator.

However, the downside of this pitcher water filter is the need to manually refill it; it has a limited capacity that must be recharged every day or a few times a day; when gravity leaks, it will take longer before the stream leaks.

Countertop Filters – This type of filter is large and about a foot tall, there is a hose that attaches from the faucet spout to divert the water into the filter. The valve will allow water to flow through the filter and out the faucet.

There are many benefits of this water filter system, it is convenient as the faucet to use; uses a carbon block filter to produce fine filtration; There is no weight and size limitation and it is more reliable than the faucet filter. The disadvantage of this water filter is the difficulty of attaching the filter to the water pipe of non-standard faucet outlets.

Under Sink Water Filter – The benefit of this type of water filter is similar to the benefits you can get from overhead water filters, but the added benefit of this filter system is that the filter sits under the sink and do not take up counter space.

The disadvantage of this is the possible leakage of water, because the filter is placed between the tap and the water mains. It is not possible to change filtered and unfiltered water without using two faucets and the most difficult of all is the installation of the filter.

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