Arts Entertainments

After becoming a stripper – Alcohol and stripper

Strippers and alcohol seem to go hand in hand many times, like peanut butter and jelly. Many strip clubs serve alcohol, and indeed that is one of the main attractions for many strip club patrons: exotic dancers and alcohol. Customers will buy a drink and then ask one of the dancers if they would like a drink too.

This is where the problems begin. Many strip clubs will hire girls when they are underage. This is perfectly legal in most states – just because a girl is dancing doesn’t necessarily mean she’s drinking. Unfortunately, clubs don’t always enforce drinking laws and it’s not uncommon for a lesser dancer to drink from time to time. It is not the client’s responsibility to know if the girl is a minor or not, it is the responsibility of her and the club. Another problem is if the dancer has already had too much to drink. Walking around in very tall stripper shoes and trying to dance drunk is not an easy task.

So what should strippers do? Not drinking at all? Not drinking is what I do. I don’t like to drink alcohol and that’s why I don’t. What I have done is to agree with the waitresses, the shots and the waiters so that they can serve me a shot or non-alcoholic drink. This is good for everyone – the club saves money on alcohol (what I usually get is a diet sprite with a splash of fruit juice), I don’t get drunk, and the waitresses / shooting girls / bartenders still get their tips. This is an option.

Another option is to limit your alcohol intake by ordering a sip instead of a shot. Most clubs will have a large selection to choose from. You can also limit your alcohol consumption by having the club put a restriction on you. This means that you are only allowed to drink a certain amount of alcohol on each shift.

Drinking can help your sales – it makes the customer feel like you are a fun girl to be with. It also reduces customer inhibitions, making them more likely to spend money on you. This works best when the customer is drinking and you are not. Drinking can hurt your sales if you get too drunk. If you can’t speak well, you can’t walk, if you’re falling … all of these things are not attractive to most clients.

Let’s say you drank too much the night before a shift and you’re hungover, that will hurt your sales because maybe you’re too sick to work, or you’re going to work, but you’re out of your super stripper zone. What can you do? The first thing to do is prevent a hangover. The best way is to know your limit. You should also drink a lot of water. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body, so you have to compensate for it. Taking some Tylenol or Advil before bed can also help. If you already have a hangover, then there is not much you can do. All those old wives’ tales, like drinking more alcohol, are not true and can actually make things worse. It is best to drink plenty of water or an isotonic drink that contains electrolytes, sleep, and take some pain reliever. Flat ginger ale can help with an upset stomach, as can bland foods like crackers and dry toast.

Remember: Knowing your limit is the best thing for you and your club.

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