Legal Law

Are your beliefs getting in the way of love?

It is my passion to help people change their thoughts and beliefs and to inspire them to create amazing changes in what they experience in life by guiding them to harness their inner power and radiance. It is really very inspiring to witness the change that a person is able to make for themselves once they are committed and determined. It takes courage and I really honor the process.

Unfortunately, people get stuck. Most of the time they got stuck in beliefs they acquired as children: something someone said or did to them created a falsehood about themselves. From there, they end up closing off parts of themselves or clinging to that belief as if it were a fundamental truth. And this is where I help!

If you are not experiencing something in your life that you have an inner desire for, you may be operating and stuck with a belief that is not yours!

I worked with a client who closed off parts of herself because she feared she would not be fully accepted for her spiritual beliefs. This affected the types of men she attracted into her life and the level to which she could take her career. After working together, she is now in a beautiful and committed relationship, she is an international speaker, and she broke her own financial goals (6 figures!)

Another client was so focused on what was wrong with her body…she only attracted men into her life who mirrored those same feelings of disgust. Because of her low self-esteem, she stayed in these relationships and put up with the negative comments and disrespectful behavior longer than she would now! We did the healing work, I gave her practical tools to boost her self-love, and I helped her change the beliefs she had about her body and her life. She attracted an amazing man who LOVES her body and has actually said some of the exact words that she wrote in her own mantras!

What you say and think to yourself will attract experiences into your life that match those thoughts and feelings. The challenge is sometimes to identify the deepest beliefs and buried barriers. In my intuitive readings, I often see patterns of shame that cause people to shut down and not let anyone in. It’s Trap 22: You want love, but your wall and barriers are too high and thick to let anyone in.

The change starts with you.

You are a beautiful soul brought here to experience love, happiness, peace, abundance, fun, play…and more. Don’t let anything, NOTHING stop you from expressing and sharing that beautiful light you have within you.

Release the beliefs that no longer serve you! If you feel stuck, ask “Whose belief is this?” “Am I holding back from a false belief?” “What am I really afraid of?” If it is not yours or it no longer serves you, create a new one. Most of the time, upon examination, you will find that what you are afraid of is False Evidence that looks real (FEAR).

Be bold, step forward, feel the fear and do it anyway!

The world is waiting for you… and also that special person…

“The facts of your life are true. The stories around the facts are fiction. If you don’t like the story of your life, change it! What is the change you need to make in your life to improve it?” ~Deepak Chopra

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