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banish doubt

A friend of mine wanted to start her own business, but she never seemed to get it. She was asking me about it one day and when I asked her, she rattled off ten different reasons why she couldn’t do it. She was worried about the economy, she was afraid that she would not be able to attract clients, she was worried that she would not be able to hire good helpers. What I saw behind all her reasons was doubt. He really didn’t believe that she could start her own business and be successful at it. Why do so many people doubt their own ability to succeed?

Let’s see 5 ways you can use to banish doubts.

1) Improve your self-esteem

2) Use affirmations

3) Stop worrying

4) Face your fears

5) Practice Gratitude

improve your self esteem

When you improve your self-esteem, you automatically eliminate self-doubt. The two cannot coexist. It’s like a sliding scale. As you move towards higher self-esteem, you move further away from self-doubt. A quick and easy exercise that you can do to improve your self-esteem is to make a list of 25 successes or achievements in your life. This will impress on your mind that you have the ability to accomplish the things you set out to do. Then, each time you fall back into a period of doubt, take out the list and read it again. It will remind you that your life is already a success and that you can continue to be so.

use affirmations

When you experience self-doubt, you are focusing on the negative. The best way to shift your attention to the positive is through positive affirmations. Write 4-5 affirmations that make you feel positive about yourself on a 3 x 5 card and carry it with you at all times. Then, whenever doubt rears its ugly head, pull out the card and read the affirmations (out loud, if you can). Here are some sample ones:

  • My attitude is my decision.
  • I feel more successful and positive every day.
  • I trust my ability to achieve my dreams.
  • I am a creative and resourceful person.
  • I am a magnificent being.

Stop worrying

When you experience self-doubt, you are usually worrying about something. It could be your financial situation, an obstacle in your business, or even a conflict with someone you work with. And the more you worry about it, the more you start to doubt your ability to resolve the situation. The best way to stop worrying is to stop thinking about the problem at the problem level. When you free your mind from the pressure of trying to solve the problem, you give it free rein to find a solution in its own way.

What you are really doing is taking your ego out of the picture and letting your cosmic ego take over. The cosmic ego has no doubts about its capabilities and is in direct contact with the field of all possibilities. The best and most creative solutions come from that place when the mind is allowed to relax and remain open to all possibilities.

Face your fears

Self doubt is usually caused by something you are afraid of. Fear causes immobility. It’s hard to get going on a project if you’re afraid of its success. The most effective way to deal with fears is to face them. It is easier said than done, but many times when a person is really willing to take a good look at what they are afraid of, they will see that the fear is not as scary or big as it seems.

For example, when I started my business, I kept putting off writing projects until I was pushed with deadlines to complete the writing.

One day I said to myself: “What are you afraid of?” and then he wrote down the answers.

1) I was afraid that nobody would like my article.

When I wrote that, I realized it was a long shot. I’m sure some people would like it.

2) I was afraid of not being able to think of anything worth writing about.

When I wrote that, I realized that there are many ways to deal with “writer’s block” if that were the problem, and that I knew many things that would be valuable information for others.

So you see, when you bring fear out into the open, it’s easier to dispel it. Take a few minutes to discover your fears and write them down. Then take a good look at how realistic they really are and what you could do to overcome them. If you can’t do it yourself, ask a friend to help you. Usually, when you tell a close friend about your fears, they can point out your strengths that will help you overcome them.

practice gratitude

Doubt comes from a twitch mentality. The opposite of contraction is expansion. One of the best ways to get into an expansion mindset is to express gratitude. Being grateful is a very effective way to expand your mind and open your heart.

Giving thanks forces you to look at the positive side of life. And listening to thoughts of insecurity is just a bad habit of focusing on the negative. You can change that bad habit to a good one by writing a gratitude list every day. Doing this daily programs your mind to develop the habit of being grateful and insecure thoughts just fade into the background.

So, to summarize, one of the biggest obstacles to achieving success is self-doubt. Doubt can lead to procrastination, which is one of the biggest dream killers. That is why it is so important to banish doubt in order to operate a business successfully, especially in times of unstable economy or recessionary conditions. Five simple ways to banish doubt are to improve your self-esteem, use affirmations, stop worrying, face your fears, and practice gratitude. Once you’ve mastered doubt, you’ll be on your way to running a thriving business.

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