Lifestyle Fashion

Can possessing your feminine energy change your relationship and bring your man closer?

Do you feel like you have to take a stand, be assertive, take charge and control what is happening in your relationship or marriage, otherwise he might treat you like a doormat?

If you feel confused or scared about being in your feminine energy, I know how it feels.

I thought I had to be assertive in my marriage, take a stand, be forceful and definite in my communication, and yet the problem was that it didn’t work!

Is it infuriating when you try so hard, use a lot of energy to get what you want, but instead come to a standstill and nothing changes?

If what you’re doing in your relationship is working, keep doing it.

However, if you are reading this, you are probably looking for answers and it is time to stop doing what is not working, instead of trying harder.

We must have a gender balance in our relationships to be happy, and most women tend to be naturally more feminine, and most men lean towards the masculine.

However, when it comes to our relationship, we feel confused and insecure about our roles.

After all, women have made considerable progress in achieving equality with men.

We are taking leadership roles in politics, business and in almost every area and yet are we happier?

Is this because we are not being authentic and experiencing our highest potential in our relationships because we are confused about our femininity?

As I see it, a significant problem in the world right now is that most of us express masculine energy a lot and the feminine has been denigrated to the point of being unworthy and less so than it is simply not true.

The masculine is the energy of the DOING of leadership, control, organization, planning, implementation, competition and intellectualization that is SO important and the feminine is an energy of the BEING of care, feeling, emotion, sensuality, creativity and cooperation and is equally essential.

When these energies balance in a relationship, harmony is created.

Think of 2 ballroom dancers, what a joy it is to observe the synchronicity of movement between them when the male leads and the female follows.

Neither is more skillful or better than the other, although in general, our gaze is more on women because we are all captivated by a woman who expresses her feminine essence!

What if they both tried to lead?

Each would end up with bruised and swollen toes, and it wouldn’t work!

This is how I see the dance of the masculine and the feminine in our relationships.

From my personal experience, I feel much more powerful when I am in tune with my feminine energy, and I sincerely believe that you will too.

Let’s be honest; Historically, men have been afraid of our power, which is why we have been subjugated to the ranks of lesser beings for countless years, and it is time to balance the scales and own our femininity in a way that makes us happy! everyone!

Don’t get me wrong, I love men, and there is no guilt here, I am simply stating the obvious.

And from my observation, one of the main faults in our relationships is that our boy’s energy is running the show.

How to recognize if you come from your masculine energy?

If you feel the need to control, direct, suggest, criticize, blame and organize your man, (unless he asks you to) you are probably creating a barrier between you and your masculine origin.

If you are assertive and directive, you are surrounded by walls that are a barrier to real connection and love.

Even if your man can’t explain this energetically, he will feel like your energy overwhelms him.

We have been conditioned for many years to think that we need to earn love, and yet what makes us most attractive and magnetic is the quality of being and receiving that is the essence of a feminine woman.

I feel like a self-proclaimed expert on this because I did everything wrong!

However, it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

What to do about it?

We have an internal guidance system that has our best interests at heart, yet we spend too much energy running away from it and neglecting to tune in to our innate wisdom.

Practice every day tuning in to your feelings and learn to express them, good or bad, in a way that does not involve blame, criticism, or judgment.

Your man will love you for this!

Lean back and keep lowering your energy from your head to your lower abdomen, especially when you are interacting with men.

Place your hand on your belly and let it soften.

This is her power center of femininity, creativity and intuition and yet for most women her energy is very boring, because we have lost touch with our true essence.

Get more sensual, slow down and be more aware of your body movements.

If you practice these simple movements every day, they will change your vibe and make you much more attractive and magnetic in the presence of your man.

And you will have more energy and you will feel happier.

Give it a try and let me know what happens!

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