Get the best music to your ears (from guests)

Trying to figure out what music to play for your wedding is like trying to solve a riddle wrapped in an enigma inside an episode of ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus.’ With slipping standards and increasingly confusing definitions of “music” (wedding DJs, phew!), it pays to find a NJ pianist who knows the appropriate music to play at a wedding, Bar […]

Debunking the myths of nonverbal communication

93% of communication is non-verbal. Everybody knows that, right? I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard this in sales training sessions or read about it in books, articles, and blogs. Sometimes the stats are further qualified, for example: “A UCLA study indicated that up to 93% of communication effectiveness is determined by non-verbal cues. Another study indicated […]

More about marine hermit crabs

Hermit crabs are classified into terrestrial and marine based on their choice of habitat. The surprising fact that connects land and sea crabs is that both are born in a marine habitat. Those who are land-dwellers slowly leave their marine dwellings to live on land, and those who are sea-dwellers continue to live in their native marine environment. Marine hermit […]