The DUI Court Process

Successfully navigating through criminal prosecution for driving under the influence in Washington state requires a clear understanding of the DUI court process. In other words, knowing what is coming will greatly reduce the amount of stress you feel when fighting a DUI charge. Although each court system in Washington varies somewhat in how it handles the initial stages of a […]

Internet SOS – Let’s save our systems

The Chinese military is believed to be the prime suspect in the attack on Google’s email infrastructure and servers. The ability to disable anything: “From power grids to the Stock Market,” say Duncan B. Hollis and David G. Post of the National Law Journal. “Thicker Firewalls and Better Mechanisms to Detect and Repel Cyberspace Attack Strategy.” How to defend military, […]

Corrupt Investigation: Exposing the Peer Review Process

When you hear about new medical breakthroughs in the news, you will only hear about peer-reviewed research. Peer-reviewed means that it passed some kind of basic quality standards. It is the gold standard of research. But is it real gold or fool’s gold? Medical research seems especially mystical and inspiring to the average person. The basics of medicine, which are […]

Japan’s Lolita merchants feel the heat

Japan was slow to update its child pornography laws to bring them in line with those in the West. It was only in 1999 and 2003 that Japan caught up, passing new laws that made it illegal to produce, distribute, sell, possess, or trade child pornography. Before 1999, it was only illegal to produce it. However, enforcement of the new […]

Fast Track Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. Although we refer to these institutes in this article, they are not. There are a number of factors that will determine your acceptance to […]

Do you have an innovative attitude?

A quarter century ago, the US marketed 82 percent of the world’s inventions, but now it ranks behind several other countries in new product introductions. Additionally, the US has seen a 25 percent decline in patent filings (innovations) since the 1970s. Nearly half of US patents are now issued to foreigners. In short, the United States has experienced a decline […]

Raymond Carver, Birdman and the American Dream

I never cared for Raymond Carver. I can’t really explain why, but when I was younger I was asked to read Cathedral (considered by many to be his best work) for purely academic purposes. Maybe that’s why I didn’t like the story. Probably because someone in a position of authority (in this case a professor) told me I had to […]