Throw the book at them!

I walked into the huge bookstore chain, hoping my guilty expression wouldn’t give me away. Then I sneaked between two large bookcases in the back, making sure no store clerks were looking at me. Then I pulled the fresh copy of my latest book out from under my jacket… headed to the nearest open cashier… smiled as I scanned the […]

How to install a wall mounted LCD TV

Flat panel televisions are one of the most popular home entertainment devices today. In addition to saving space, LCD TVs also add to the atmosphere of a room and offer better picture quality. However, installing an LCD TV is a demanding task, which would require 1-2 people. Assistance will be required to mount the LCD TV to the wall, perform […]

A way to take advantage of the secret visualization tool

References to the subconscious mind If you’re on the Secret mailing list, or have even searched for popular videos posted on YouTube, you’re probably familiar with the Secret Viewer Tool. I watch this video every day, at least once, and I wanted to share a particularly simple technique that I use to create a more impressionable subconscious to absorb the […]

Complete guide to buying kitchen floors

From limestone to linoleum, from concrete to cork, there are a host of flooring materials that can enhance the look of your kitchen. But before you set your heart on solid wood or ceramic backsplash, there are a few important points to consider. “The flooring you choose should complement your kitchen, rather than be the focal point,” says Richard Robson […]

3 things to consider before starting a part-time job

There are several things to consider before starting a part-time job. This article will highlight three of them. Today’s market for part-time jobs is very competitive. Many people need a second income. This means that you will have to use new tools and techniques to find your ideal job, especially if you want to enter an area that is fairly […]

How Marketing Is Changing: A Challenging Economy Gives Birth to New Strategies

Thirty-five years is a long time. That’s how long I’ve been running my company, Mid-Hudson Marketing. That’s long enough to have seen all kinds of economic climates. Fortunately, in each of them, marketing has continued to provide a thriving livelihood. Economies rise and fall, twist and turn, but marketing is a discipline practiced by the most successful companies. Marketing is […]

Mouse Pads – Fun Facts and Curiosities

Mouse pads are essential for almost every computer user in the world. It comes in various colors, shapes and dimensions. Many take this indispensable IT support tool for granted. Here’s a list of fun facts and tidbits about mouse pads that you might not know. Send this to a friend and see what he says. 1. The first pad was […]

Let’s build our children

Let’s look at the role of children and parents in nation building. To build our nation, we must build our children, but we must begin by building ourselves. A teacher who is not trained or a parent who does not read cannot offer much to a student or a child. Therefore, stay on top of everything that can help your […]