Tips for buying your first purebred puppy

When beginning your search for a purebred puppy, there are many things to consider. Having a purebred dog is not only a great responsibility, but it can be a great investment. The excitement of deciding to buy your own purebred puppy can sometimes overshadow your judgment. Make sure you have all the facts to get the perfect, healthy purebred puppy […]

Quick treatment for when your dog has diarrhea

Do you have that feeling of helplessness when your dog has diarrhea and everything you try to do doesn’t seem to improve it? Looking for a way to gently ease your dog’s diarrhea symptoms so you don’t have to rely on your vet for such a common ailment? Well, I have a solution for you! Here I will show the […]

Innate Differences Between the Sexes: Reality, Not Fantasy (Part 3)

What we can learn from observing animals. The limitations of using animal studies to test theories about humans are obvious: Humans have numerous distinctive differences from other animals. But what it does do is reduce behavior to its biological component, since nonhuman animals are not subject to the complex social, cultural and political problems that humans grapple with. (Interestingly, the […]

Using pictures to sell puppies

Are you trying to sell some puppies to a good house? Whether you breed dogs or your beloved pet managed to break free from her pen and get pregnant, selling puppies can sometimes be a difficult task. After all, there are plenty of puppies out there who are looking for a good home, so finding someone who is willing to […]

Be Your Own Pet Psychic with Pet Oracle Cards

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking? Have you ever wished you could just talk to your cat or dog to see what would make them happy, what do they want more, what do they want less, or what do they love about their life with you? Well, the wait is over … Pet Oracle Cards will help […]

Fit vs.Unfit Dogs or Why Some Dogs Obey Better Than Others

Dogs are instinctively hunters and scavengers, some are given more than others. Even today, the genes of certain breeds scream incessantly with adrenaline from the stimulation of the chase and the thrill of the victory of their hunt. Nature provided them with that extraordinary impulse to continue to exist. Low prey dogs are quite content to sit on your lap […]

Charytin – The Dominican Republic Superstar

Born on May 23, 1949 in Santo Domingo, she is a Dominican Republic superstar, singer, actress and television presenter all in one, Charytín Goyco. Popularly known as Charytín, Goyco was born to a Dominican father and a Spanish mother. When Charytin’s mother broke up with her father, she and her siblings were taken to Spain. Ten years later, they returned […]