Expanding our hearts

This year, my New Year’s resolution is to get more involved in life outside of my usual sphere. My days are often consumed with work, family, and friends. However, I am now focusing on changing that limited scope. I am in the process of certifying my young dog as a therapy dog. We have been in training for more than […]

squirrels at home

Ever since he was a puppy, my Kona dog had a very strong bladder. So when he grew up, it didn’t surprise me that we were able to leave him alone for a long time. The day I went to work and left it for over 12 hours was one of those days. When I got home, I was greeted […]

10 steps to deal with the loss of your pet

Sometimes special animals come into our lives and touch our hearts in a way that leaves us forever changed. A chapter ends when the family road they traveled together comes to an abrupt end. You are in unknown territory without a map. She lost. The world as you know it may look totally different. Not everyone realizes that the bond […]

How to Own an Irish Wolfhound

“However, noble descendant of the fierce father of fighting. You are playing tonight with my son by the fire.” (Excerpt from The Hound of Heroes by William Dammarell) One is not so much “owning” an Irish Wolfhound as being “owned by” an Irish Wolfhound. I am currently “owned” by two, and wouldn’t have it any other way. They are typical […]

Greyhound handicap: focus on winning

I am married to someone who has ADD. My two sons have it too. Everyone has trouble paying attention and concentrating on one thing at a time, because they are easily distracted by what is going on around them. I love them all, but I am the exact opposite. I am a worker, a hub. My mind stays with one […]

Aid! My Shih Tzu is wreaking havoc in my house!

I had the worst nightmare of my life when my Shih Tzu was only 4 years old. After a long and tiring day at work, I walked into the house to find that my beautiful custom-made shoe cabinets had been scratched and chipped by unknown forces, and next to my cabinet is my sweet little dog, with wood chips left […]

Live with a pet server

Some sources seem to indicate that living with a serval is no more challenging than feeding your pet goldfish. At the other end of the extreme spectrum, many sanctuaries and animal rights activists paint serval cats and other exotic cats as unmanageable creatures that no ordinary mortal could successfully deal with. As is often the case, the truth lies in […]

Choosing the right dog breed

Did you know that there are literally hundreds of different dog breeds? When you decide to get a dog, choosing the right dog breed for you and your family is essential. With so many different dog breeds available, this can become a very daunting task. Fortunately, there are ways you can narrow down your options a bit, which makes it […]

Animals = Zen Masters?

My chiropractor, Tony, and I had a great discussion this week about the nature of the relationship between animals and humans. He shows dogs and is passionate about the animal-human connection, performing chiropractic adjustments on both dogs and their owners at the dog shows he attends. He said that dogs and humans mimic the physical aspects of him, so if […]