5 benefits of giving educational toys to your children

Educational toys are designed to educate people, especially children, about a particular topic and help them improve their skills while playing. The advantages and reasons to buy educational toys for children are endless. Educational toys are a great source of fun and learning for your children. Also, they are readily available. Most parents and educators recognize the benefits of this […]

How to help a child with a reading disability

1. Intervene early! Reading disabilities are considered the most common learning disability and often go undiagnosed and untreated until it is too late for easy recovery. A child with a reading disability who is not identified until third grade or later is already years behind her classmates. This is a gap that must be closed if the boy is ever […]

Top 10 DVD Rentals

While the top ten DVD rentals change all the time, this list should help you out for the next few weeks. There’s something for everyone, from bizarre Westerns to Adam Sandler clowning around with his friends. 10 jonah hex – From the pages of DC Comics comes this revenge story about a disfigured Old West bounty hunter (Josh Brolin) on […]

Why doesn’t my son poop in the potty?

Problem: Your child is potty-trained about peeing in the toilet, but refuses to poop in the toilet. that is, he poops in his underpants or demands a diaper. Answer: Obviously, your son has bowel control and is very close to being fully potty trained. However; he is uncomfortable sitting on the potty and goes to number 2, which is probably […]

5 tips to relieve stress at home

Whether it’s caring for the elderly, adult children returning to the nest, divorce, remarriage, or both parents working, today’s family inevitably faces a myriad of changes that can cause stress at home. My husband and I enjoy our alone time after our children are grown and gone. Although he was still working, we had a lot of free time to […]

Benefits of homeschooling

A wise man once said, “We can teach our children courage and faith and endurance and show them how to learn, and they can teach us to laugh and sing and love.” In other words, each family member has valuable lessons to teach the family. When a family homeschools, this reciprocal relationship is magnified. Homeschooling participants are affected by more […]