
Does your dog have velcro? Symptoms and solutions of hyperattachment

Hyperattachment is the need to be close to someone at all times. This also happens to dogs as they want to be close to their owners. They follow them from room to room and show sadness and dissatisfaction if they detect that their owners are about to abandon them. In most cases, hyperattached dogs emanate separation anxiety syndrome when their owners leave them alone in the house.

Dogs are social animals that want to be in human company at all times. Dogs in the wild are pack animals and therefore want to come by and engage in any activity with their pack mates. Being man’s best friend, dogs perceive humans as their pack mates. Therefore, they develop a fondness for humans that can become dangerous both for the dog’s psychology and for the owner. Therefore, this article will discuss various aspects that create hyperattachment between you and your dog, its effects, and how it can be overcome.

Dog Separation Anxiety Syndrome is the behavior of dogs showing signs of intense panic and psychological fear when their owners leave them alone in the home or home compound. Dog separation anxiety syndrome manifests itself through constant barking, whimpering, and growling. Increased levels of this panic cause the dog to take more drastic measures, such as destroying everything he comes across by chewing, scratching, or tearing. For example, if he is locked in a room, the dog may chew and scratch the furniture within that room.

A hyperbond between you and your dog can be created by constantly hugging the dog and giving him excessive affection, even when leaving the house and after returning. This attachment can also develop if the owner does not create a time separation between himself and the dog when he is inside the house. Furthermore, the owner rarely trains his dog to respond positively to the action of opening and closing the door. Therefore, whenever the dog owner opens or closes the door, the dog is always behind him.

Although adorable and enjoyable, this type of attachment can ruin the relationship between dog owner and dog. Also the separation anxiety syndrome that the dog emanates when it is left alone can cause the dog to mutilate itself when trying to find escape routes. For example, you can cut yourself on pieces of glass while escaping through the window. The relationship between the dog owner and his neighbors can sour because his dog’s constant barking or whining creates an annoying noise that can interrupt his usual activities, such as taking a nap during the day.

Therefore, to effectively reduce hyperattachment between you and your dog, it is essential to train him to spend many hours alone. This can be accomplished by making the dog believe that his crate or crate is a safe haven or by introducing moments of separation between you and your dog. Stay away from your dog for a period of 5 minutes, then gradually increase the length of time for separation. Over time, this will help your dog control his anxiety when he is left alone.

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