Lifestyle Fashion

Does your penis look like a wrinkled earthworm? Turn that worm into a rattlesnake!

If your penis looks like some sort of worm that just crawled out of the ground, don’t be alarmed. You are not the only one. Truth be told, your penis shouldn’t look like shriveled testicles after you’ve been in an ice cold shower.

When a man’s penis looks like this, it usually means that it has been neglected. It’s like having good muscle tone. If he is fit and gets enough exercise, his muscles will be tight and strong, even when they are not contracting. This good muscle “tone” reflects what the muscles should actually look like. This shows that they are healthy and ready for action.

When a man’s main organ of pleasure is neglected, it tends to wither and look more like something a duck might be playing with than a human male. Imagine that if your member looks like a worm to you, imagine what women will think when they see it for the first time! And can you blame them? No. A man’s member must be dynamic, bold and powerful, a direct reflection of his manhood and strength.

To get rid of a pinworm male organ, the best thing you can do is start realizing that you are in this situation. Then one just needs to give it some tender loving care.

1) When you shower, stretch your organ away from your body and clean the crevices of the penis and where it joins the body. The heat will stimulate the skin and promote a healthier, more masculine tone. Clean it with a sponge or soft cloth. This also helps to awaken your penis from its worm state.

2) Treat your testicles the same way. After all, they are part of your sexual system. Anything that affects your testicles will affect your organ and vice versa. Both are very close and use each other to determine heat changes in the testicles. Pulling your testicles up and to the sides as you clean them (especially where they meet the body) will help perk up your testicle area and perk up your sex drive as well.

3) Exercise your manhood. This is quite simple to do. Stretch it to one side, then the other. Stretch up and down. Gently pull the penis in all directions and feel where it pulls up inside your body. Turn it clockwise and counterclockwise. Play with him in a gentle, non-sexual way.

4) Stop wearing restrictive underwear and jeans. Let your system breathe, relax and be able to get comfortable and move around a bit.

Such techniques will stimulate more blood flow to your sexual organs and help get rid of that wrinkled worm hiding in your pants.

The next step, of course, is to exercise. Similar techniques (as described above), when done correctly, can help men turn their wormy member into a pant snake. Even a powerful rattlesnake!

Transforming into a snake can be accomplished with a little time and energy. Iron Man Penis is the book that I found most helpful and helpful. I also recommend it to you.

–Sterling Togley

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