Health Fitness

Fix runtime error 438: How to fix runtime error 438 when using Office 2010

Run-time error 438 often appears when running Microsoft Excel and “Visual Basic” macros. The error occurs when the macros you are trying to use are wrong or wrong, basically preventing Excel from working at its best. If this error appears on your PC, you need to make sure that you can fix it as effectively as possible.

This error will often display in this format:

  • Runtime error ‘438’:
  • The object does not support this property or method

The error itself is caused by the “macro” you’re using, either trying to use deprecated features (if you designed the macro in an older version of Office and now let it run in Office 2010), or the macro just doesn’t work. . t work at all. This problem can be fixed by repairing the macro you are trying to use or by repairing the Microsoft Office installation on your computer.

The first step to fix error 438 is to uninstall the Microsoft Works Add-in for Office. This often causes conflicts with the Office software. This can be done by clicking Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and then locating the “Microsoft Works” add-in. Removing it should stop any further conflict within your system.

After removing this plug-in, you must apply Microsoft Hotfix #50356. This has been specially designed to fix the issues that are causing the 438 error, and basically allows you to quickly enable your computer to run at its best without having to uninstall any more software you want to use.

You should also look to use what is known as a “Registry Cleaner” program to cure any potential errors within your PC’s registry database. The registry database is a central storage system for all the files, settings, and options that Windows uses to help it run. Although this database is extremely important for your computer, it continually causes a number of potential problems for your PC. Runtime error 438 can occur if a registry database is corrupted, so it is highly recommended that you clean this database from your system with a registry cleaning program.

Following these steps will not only fix potential problems within your computer, but also fix the errors that are causing your PC to display runtime error 438. You must perform each step to cure error 438 for good.

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