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Games for kids: 15 reasons why kids need to play more games

The negative impacts of the media, television, movies, the Internet, and video games on our children are not only evident, but are constantly increasing. Without even going into the much larger effects of immorality, loss of values, violent behaviors, and ingrained selfishness, the reality is that these overly popular media are contributing to the loss of essential attributes, activities, and skills that all children need. develop.

Children need to play games much more than they currently are. Why? For your social, emotional, physical and intellectual well-being, that’s why! And it is the parents’ responsibility to make sure this happens. Unfortunately, as parents we can all agree that turning on the TV or a movie to act as a temporary ‘babysit’ is certainly easier than the time, effort and creativity required to play with our child.

While I understand that there are positive things that come from TV, movies, the Internet, etc. – Let’s not ignore the fact that the pros are substantially less than the cons when it comes to the entertainment the world has to offer. Rather, we as parents should resolve to make a much greater effort to play with our children and encourage them to play games instead of wasting time doing nothing with these highly popular and addictive electronic devices.

Of the hundreds of reasons why parents need to turn off the TV and computer more, and why kids need to play games much more often, let me suggest just 15 of the most important reasons:

1) Develop the creative and imaginative capacity that we all carry within.

2) To be active, exercise, run, and thus be fitter and healthier.

3) Learn to interact, communicate, work and play with others.

4) Spend time with siblings, parents and friends – to build relationships.

5) Learn to act appropriately when a game is won or lost, being a good winner and loser.

6) To improve your social skills, develop teamwork skills and how to cooperate with others you like or dislike.

7) To learn to control your temper, practice self-discipline and self-control, and realize that life is sometimes not fair.

8) Learn to share, take turns and give.

9) Learn to follow rules, make decisions and think logically.

10) Increase their educational and intellectual skills: colors, shapes, numbers, reading performance, verbal and communication skills.

11) To increase self-esteem, positive confidence and give the child a sense of identity.

12) Develop athletic ability, hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and visual perception.

13) Teach the importance of playing fair, not cheating, sharing and being a good sport.

14) Laugh, have fun, smile, relax and benefit from all the other psychological benefits that result from gambling.

15) It’s important to remember that the real reason kids should spend more time playing games actually has nothing to do with the games. It is about ensuring that the negative influences of television, movies, the Internet and video games do not diminish the physical, mental, social, psychological and spiritual health of our children. It’s about being a parent, not allowing electronics to be a babysitter. It’s about building character, not just having fun. And just as important, it’s about spending time with family, strengthening relationships, and developing life skills through wholesome entertainment.

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