
Good SEO Courses: Why, How, Where, When and Which One?

Why participate in an SEO training course?

There are many reasons to consider optimization courses.

We all know that the Internet is a wonderful place to find or provide information. The Internet revolution has changed our lives as much as the arrival of the Bronze Age or the Atomic Age.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the application of techniques designed to bring web pages to the top of search engine results pages for specific keywords to increase the number of visitors. Search engine optimizers specialize in promoting websites for clients. Some optimists find it academically challenging, although the main interest of most is to provide excellent professional service in exchange for financial reward.

There are more opinions on how to move web pages to the top than there are optimizers. Every statement that most optimists would accept will be challenged by someone who claims to be the world’s greatest expert. For example, most would say that you are unlikely to achieve higher rankings if your specific keywords are not in the Page Title tag, which is the main factor on the page. The occasional experienced optimization will not agree. It is difficult to find evidence-based research that provides convincing data to confirm that an opinion has merit. There isn’t even an internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal or website edited by experts with the proper academic qualifications.

Google is the most popular search engine and everyone with a website wants to be at the top of their search terms. Search engines are e-commerce companies that accumulate wealth in proportion to their popularity. It is in your individual interest to improve your programs that position web pages in the order that best responds to a search request.

There are at least 200 factors in Google’s ranking program (algorithm). Just to make it interesting, Google changes its ranking algorithm at least once a day and makes major changes at less frequent intervals. The Panda update introduced in 2011 involves machine learning – it’s as if Google’s algorithm is training itself to provide better search results. The bottom line is that Google holds the key to enormous potential wealth, but the combination to unlock it is as well protected as Fort Knox.

Most optimizers would agree that understanding how Google works is challenging. Those in the SEO industry will have their own way of optimizing web pages and websites. Basically, we have on-page optimization (page content and encoding) and off-page optimization – link acquisition. Links are known to be more important than content on the page in Google’s algorithm.

Writing articles or comments on quality websites that provide benefits to readers is desirable and totally acceptable. The acquisition of natural bonds is beneficial and appropriate, especially when done in moderation. There is a growing interest in link bait to attract those precious links. A provocative statement in a forum can be particularly effective.

There was a period when reciprocal linking and automated linking with programs that spread shoddy articles and blog comments seemed like a way to go, even if those who were negligent might have a hard time explaining it to their competition. Such optimization is frowned upon by all respectable optimizers and search engines are less than impressed – they can impose a penalty such as removing websites from their index.

Some hold the view that a link is a link that is undeniable. Others believe that a link only has potential value when it is indexed by Google, carries the link juice of a web page that has PageRank and / or has keywords in the anchor text (link). Money is money, undeniable; Monopoly money is not recognized by the main bank.

It’s easy to formulate a reproducible way to optimize websites and follow the protocol. More difficult is realizing that continuous improvement of the protocol is required. Some would suggest that everything is simple and that others complicate the matter. Others think that SEO is not that easy. A difficult part is knowing how much to explain to potential customers. Make it sound complicated and you may lose the customer. Make it sound easier than it is and the customer may find that their promises are not being kept.

There is information overload on optimization. Books, websites, Internet articles, and videos abound.

SEO courses provide the opportunity to upgrade. If it is in the hands of someone with SEO experience and academic background or academic institute, it is likely to provoke thought.

A good training course will help you maximize the potential of your website so that it receives more targeted visitors. There are many online and offline optimization courses held in locations ranging from schools to universities. Some are free, but others have a fee. The advantage of SEO courses online is that anyone can attend, there are no geographical restrictions. The courses that are carried out in the places have the advantage of the interaction between the tutors and the assistants.

How can I determine if those offering a course have the genuine expertise needed?

Testimonials are a good place to start as long as they are on the assistant’s website; Anyone can write a testimonial about themselves and put it on their own website. An important part of SEO is acquiring natural links.

Google says that “today we use more than 200 signals, including PageRank, to order websites, and we update these algorithms weekly.” The PageRank of a website is determined by the total value of the links to the home page of the website. In the author’s opinion, HomePage PageRank is the main factor in Google’s algorithm. If the PageRank of an optimizer’s homepage is at least 3, it demonstrates the ability to acquire Google-credited links.

Those with a background in optimization will be passionate about it. They will have published many articles and blog comments, some of them offering original research. They will offer training to others so that others can learn from their experience. Beware of courses or optimizers that suggest they can show you how to get to the top in Google for whatever keyword you choose. There are some experts who have been teaching SEO training courses for many years. Bruce Clay offers internationally acclaimed courses with locations as varied as California, Australia, and India. Their courses are not cheap.

The success of a course or conference depends not only on the speaker but also on the attendee. Medical specialist comments to my lectures typically indicated that 60% thought I had presented it correctly; 20% found that the information provided could have been found in books or on the Internet and that the level was lower than they expected and 20% thought they had given too much detail.

Any optimizer claiming to know how to make your website on top with whatever keyword you want is misleading you.

Where can I find a good search engine optimization course?

By their very nature, those who provide good training will advertise it online. As you surf the net, you will see endless fields.

There is much to be said about the courses taught by recognized academies, colleges or universities. For example, in Manchester there is one with some of the local leaders, with 10 acclaimed experts, from the region’s new media industry who have joined forces with academics in the North West of England to produce search engine optimization (SEO). ) innovative. course designed to improve social media marketing and search skills.


This depends on when you feel like you need to go up a gear and also on the level you’ve reached. Of course, not everyone feels the need to train.

There are basic, intermediate and advanced level courses.

Which courses?

Social media websites like Facebook and Twitter have an effect on SEO, but there is debate about their exact function. It probably varies according to the different niches. There are SEO courses focused on social networks. There are special interest courses; for example, there is a training course available for web designers.

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