
How to behave with the body language of an alpha male

Look at Brad Pitt, George Clooney or any other high status man and you will notice that they just move differently from the rest of us. They have an aura that they are hot things, and because of that, women swoon over them.

You, too, can develop that aura to increase your attractiveness to women and your dating success.

Have you ever noticed what your body looks like when you’ve felt like shit? You end up looking down at the ground and folding your arms and other non-alpha male behaviors. But other times when you had girls on you, you have great body language.

1) Relax. This is the most important state of mind for you.

a) Don’t let yourself worry. Just let go of your worries, as you cannot solve any problem by worrying.

b) Breathe through the abdomen instead of through the chest. (When you breathe, imagine that you are drawing air into your stomach. Feel your stomach rise and fall as you breathe).

c) Avoid non-verbal behaviors opposed to relaxation, for example, lifting the shoulders, frowning and fidgeting.

d) Relax all your muscles and slow down all your movements a little.

Alpha males, except on the rare occasions when there is an urgent emergency, move slowly, as if in control of time. Beta males are nervous and jerk. Imagine that you are standing and walking through a swimming pool, where your movements are slow and fluid.

e) Relax your eyes and eyelids. Beta males keep their eyelids open because they are so nervous. His eyes look around. Instead, look straight ahead. Just pay attention to the things that interest you. While you are away from home, affirm to yourself: “I am sexual, I am relaxed and I am in control.”

f) If someone wants your attention, move your head slowly.

2) Feel masculine and powerful. Visualize that you are a masculine man. Do things in your life that make you feel manly, like lifting weights and exercising with a punching bag. Watch your health.

3) Realize that you are a man of great value. Focus on your strengths and ignore your shortcomings. Be as arrogant as you want to develop massive confidence. Think of thoughts like “I’m the best” and “People are lucky to have me in their lives.” Treat people as if they were already in awe of you before you even met.

4) Be comfortable in your own skin. An alpha male is happy with or without a particular woman, seeing women as sources of fun in his life, no more, no less. Take the mindset that, of course, women love you, but it’s not a big deal by any means.

5) Extend your body. Take up space with arms, legs and chest. Keep your neck straight with your back so your head stays high. (Something that helped me get used to keeping my neck straight was removing the pillow from the bed. After all, it is quite a challenge to have optimal posture when the neck is bent for 8 hours every night.)

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