Lifestyle Fashion

How to know if a guy is serious with you

So you’ve been dating a guy for some time and even though things are going well, you don’t know where you stand with him as he shows his hot and cold affections and reveals little about how he feels about you. Many women will analyze and overanalyze the situation, looking for clues to claim that ‘he’s serious’ as if they were denying the true situation. This inevitably leads to heartbreak as they can’t read the signs that he’s just not interested. To give you an idea of ​​whether a guy is serious or not, read the following tips.

1: Call when he says he will call – A guy who is serious about a woman will call. He will call her often and want to talk about the things the woman is interested in and to know about the things that are going on in her life. He will make the time to call even if it is a few minutes when he is at work. In fact, he may not even be aware of the time while he’s talking to you. Conversely, a man who hardly calls and talks incessantly about himself with little regard for you is not interested. Neither is a man who conveniently only calls you at night for the sole purpose of discussing explicit matters.

2: He doesn’t call you at the last minute: A guy who calls at the last minute to ask what you’re doing or doesn’t make arrangements for your next meeting at least three days in advance might be spontaneous and adventurous however, watch him carefully. the time to see if he is really calling you because he really wants to spend quality time with you or if his previous plans have fallen through and you are his next best option.

3: Convenience – When you and your boyfriend meet up, does it usually mean renting a movie and going back to your place where your bed is nearby? While it is romantic to spend time indoors, if this is the usual pattern and your man doesn’t ask you out, watch it, as he may not take you seriously and only seeks your company for his own convenience and gratification. he.

4: He makes time for you – When a guy falls in love with a woman, he seeks to make her a priority in his life. Time spent enjoying soccer with the boys will take a backseat in favor of spending time with you. He will want to spend time with you and enjoy the things that you like to do.

5: He wants to impress you – A man who takes himself seriously will want to look his best in your eyes. He will start to take notice of the way he dresses and grooms himself and will really want to improve. When he is in a department store, he may ask his opinion when trying on new clothes. For him, your opinion is valued.

6: It’s in the eyes – It is often said that when we are attracted to someone, our pupils dilate and this is very true. There may be times when you can catch your man off guard and he is looking at you with wide eyes. The more he holds your gaze, sometimes he shows the affection that he has for you. It could also be a lusty look, however if he shows you signs of commitment in your relationship, rest assured that he really does take you seriously.

7: He will do everything for you – You have a sick relative who lives miles away and it’s 4 am in the morning. You want to see them urgently. A man who loves you will not think of going out of his way to do something that he knows means a lot to you. In some cases, he may give up his own needs to put yours first and wouldn’t think twice about being there for you. In other areas of your relationship, he may start to like things that you like, like music artists, types of food, wine, TV shows.

8: Introduces you to family and friends. For most guys, taking you home to meet his parents and friends is a big deal for him and shows that he means business.

9: Lets you leave your things in their place – A man can be territorial, which means he likes his space in his home and doesn’t like anything infringing on it. So, for you, leaving his toothbrush at his house isn’t a big deal, but for him it’s like home. Now, if he’s serious with you, he won’t raise an eyelid doing this. In fact, he wouldn’t mind if you left your entire makeup bag, shoes, and whatever else you decided to leave at his house. However, if he isn’t serious with you, he may remind you to take your things with you when you leave.

10: It doesn’t say but it shows you – Yes, you read that right. A guy who is really serious with you won’t necessarily declare it, but he will show it by being consistent with his intentions towards you. He will be affectionate and romantic and he will not blow hot and cold or leave you in the lurch for no valid reason. When he finally feels safe telling you that he’s serious about you, you’ll already know because his actions ‘show’ commitment and seriousness. So, while you’re out with your guy, watch his actions over a period of time to see if what he says and what he does match up. If not, you need to rethink your relationship.

11: ‘I’ becomes ‘we’ – When referring to himself, he often includes you and says ‘we’ as a couple. If you’re thoughtful enough to mention ‘we’, it shows that you’re no longer just looking at their needs and are beginning to truly value your relationship.

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