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How to Meditate: 10 Meditation Techniques

Meditation benefits:

* Greater clarity of thought

* More peaceful states of mind

* Improved ability to concentrate

* Greater creativity and intuition.

If you are new to meditation, your mind is spinning, with thoughts like, “What should I do? Is this really all there is to it? What am I supposed to feel?”

Technical meditation # 1 Be consistent Pick a time of day that you can easily incorporate it into your schedule. The benefit of meditating at the same time every day is that your biorhythms will naturally adapt to it as a habit, such as waking up, eating, and falling asleep. Your nervous system will get used to meditating at a certain point, allowing you to enter deep meditative states more easily.

Make sure your phone is off. If you have children, set aside time for them to be at school or sleeping.

Technical meditation # 2 Create your space Create a boundary between you and the outside world, even if you are only meditating for ten minutes.

Technical meditation # 3 Where to meditate? Reserve a special place in your home to to meditate. It can be as simple as setting aside a comfortable chair or pillow, or an entire room if you have space. Place a candle, flowers, or any special item that has spiritual significance to you on a table as an altar.

Creating a reserved place for meditation it helps because the Spiritual Energies gather in the place where you meditate; making it easier every time you sit in the same place. Like going to a temple, church, or place of worship, with regular practice, all you need to do is sit in that place to feel calm, relaxed, and calm.

It may take many months of meditation to consistently reach theta levels during your meditation practice. Sacred Ground helps you reach those levels sooner, so you can begin to experience the life-changing benefits. Whether you are a new meditator or an experienced meditator, let Sacred Ground take you into your inner world.

Technical meditation # 4 Create a reverent atmosphere Make up your own relaxing ritual before you to meditate. Maybe it’s at night after a bath, or at dawn before the rest of the world wakes up. Light a candle, take a few deep breaths, and dedicate your meditation to developing your highest potential. Say a prayer, sing, or burn some incense if you like. A calm and reverent atmosphere helps to induce a meditative state. Some people find Meditation music helpful.

Technical meditation # 5 Position yourself for meditation Sit with your spine straight. Use pillows behind your back for support if necessary. It is important to have a straight spine so that energy can travel freely up and down. You can sit cross-legged or in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor. You can also lie down with a pillow under your knees. If you tend to fall asleep when you meditate, it is best to sit up to stay awake.

Tip: Theta is the frequency of meditation. Because theta is right on the edge of the delta, associated with sleep, it is common for beginning meditators to nap instead of meditation. If you fall asleep easily while meditating, try using Brain Power. Harmonically places theta waves with very high beta frequencies to keep you awake and alert.

Technical meditation # 6 How long should I meditate? How long you meditate each day is up to you. A good start is 10-15 minutes a day. You may find that you naturally expand your meditation time adding five minutes here and there. Another way to expand the time you meditate is to set a goal of adding five minutes each week until you settle into a natural rhythm of twenty to thirty minutes. One of the dangers of beginning meditators is being too ambitious. Trust your intuition and start with an amount of time that is comfortable for you.

Advanced meditators typically spend an hour a day in meditation. If you can gradually work up to forty to sixty minutes, the better your progress will be. Consistency brings remarkable long-term benefits.

The key is to do it every day. Tea effects of meditation they are cumulative. Richard Davidson, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, says: “Modern neuroscience is showing that our minds are as plastic as our bodies. Meditation can help you train your mind in the same way that exercise can train your mind. Body”. Therefore, every minute that you meditate you are improving the biochemistry of your brain, building muscles that increase your mental, emotional and spiritual potential.

Technical meditation # 6 Sit back, breathe and relax When you to meditateTake long, slow, deep breaths. Send the breath deep into your abdomen and then exhale. Each time you inhale, imagine the cleansing energy being infused into your body. When you breathe out, ask your body to release tension and stress.

Tip: To calm a busy mind, count each exhale, starting with one to ten, then start the cycle again. If you forget where you are, go back to one and start over. Do this for ten minutes to slow down mental activity. At first many thoughts will come and go. When you notice that you are thinking, pay attention to your breathing again. Stay in the peaceful space between your thoughts. Over time, the space will expand.

Technical meditation # 7 Relax with a body scan A body scan calms your nervous system, releases tension, and helps you feel embodied; sometimes we spend so much time in our heads that we forget we have a body. Practicing this exercise for five to ten minutes is a meditation in itself. It is also a wonderful way to calm down before meditating.

To begin, direct your awareness to explore your left foot. Feel the physical sensations in and around your foot. Then move your awareness up the left leg, to the knee, the thigh, and to the left hip. Imagine traveling through arteries, tissues, and bones. You may encounter energy blocks or areas of numbness. You may feel tingling vibrations as cells come to life thanks to your mindfulness. Observe the sensations. Experience how you can tell the muscles to relax and release simply by directing your will.

Do the same with the right foot and the leg towards the right hip. Direct your attention to the root chakra area: abdomen and buttocks. Then explore your stomach, heart, and chest, traveling down your throat. Then move into your left hand, feel the sensations in each of your fingers, and move up your arm to your left shoulder. Repeat with the right side. Explore your neck and throat; watch how you can relax and expand your throat. Travel to your brain, let your face and jaw relax. Allow the muscles around the scalp, temples, and forehead to soften and relax.

Tip: EEG (electroencephalogram) research has revealed that when the forehead, temples, and scalp are relaxed, theta activity moves more easily into the frontal cortex. When those muscles relax, you can go deeper into a meditative state.

Technical meditation # 8 How to deal with the mind Get the benefits of meditation even if you are a new meditator. Balance your Chakras, become positive and reduce anxiety; Strengthen your immune system and develop your creativity just by listening to Deep Meditation.

The first goal of meditation it is noticing and silencing random thoughts. In his book Learn to Meditate, David Fontana, Ph.D. He says, “By observing your thoughts and learning to identify them as distractions, you have begun the path of meditation.”

While you practice meditation you will notice how your mind runs in circles with many different thoughts and memories. At first your mind will be like a chatterbox, going from one concern to another, this is natural. You may find yourself thinking about work or problem solving. You may worry about something that hasn’t happened yet, or remember things you forgot, like paying your credit card bill.

Technical meditation # 9 Label your thoughts Observe the quality of your thoughts and then label them. “These are busy, work thoughts”, “These thoughts are negative and limiting” or “Here we go again with my to-do list.” Then gently return your attention to your breathing and expand the space between your thoughts.

Every time you identify the quality of your thoughts, you are taking huge steps in meditation that will inevitably unfold in your life. Over time, you will become a keen observer of your inner world. You will notice when you have fallen into negative thoughts and you will learn to redirect your attention to thoughts that expand and enhance your sense of identity.

The highest level of thinking is positive. Positive thoughts calm your nervous system and promote states of wholeness and well-being. If negative emotions arise, such as anger, regret, fear, or sadness, label them and then gently shift your attention to something positive.

Technical meditation # 9 Meditate on your divine self One powerful practice is to meditate on your divine self, the self that has great potential and gifts. Use your imagination to discover the magnificent being within you. Drink from the well of knowledge that will multiply your joy and satisfaction in life. Exploring and contacting your divine nature is what meditation is all about. Guided meditations that will help you create nurturing states of being and contact your higher self: guided meditation, recover your destiny, fulfill your heart’s desire, living prayer.

Technical meditation # 10 Ends with feeling At the end of your meditation session, simply sit for a moment, feeling the energies moving in your body. This pause before returning to the world allows you to integrate the meditation session into your daily life.

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