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How to stain or paint a fence

Tools needed: Lawn mower, rake, weed / weed tool, drop cloth, pressure washer and goggles, garden hose and nozzle, scrub brush and bucket, paint scrapers, metal file, random orbital or electric finishing sander, wire brush and applicators Of paint.

To properly paint a fence, you must first clean it, get rid of leaves, grass or weeds that are near the fence. You may need to cut, rake, weed, or spray herbicides along the base of the fence. Place a drop cloth under the fence to catch any drips.

Clean a wooden fence and remove loose paint with a pressure washer or hose with an electric nozzle, scrub brush, and a water / detergent solution. Using paint scrapers, remove any loose paint. Smear raised paint edges in adjacent areas with an electric sander. To kill any mold or mildew on the wood fence; Sponge a 50 percent bleach water solution to affected areas.

To prepare a chain-link fence for painting, remove dirt, cobwebs, and debris. Use a wire brush to remove loose rust. Using a 50mm nap roller, apply a rusty metal primer to the fence. Do not try to paint a vinyl-coated chain link fence. A professional should paint that fence.

Use a roller, pad, or sprayer to paint / stain large, flat wood fences. Apply paint with a model airless paint sprayer or a high volume low pressure sprayer. Pick up drips or apply paint to some tough areas with a brush. A stain brush is more finished and has fewer drips than a regular brush.

Use a 50mm nap roller to roll paint onto a chain link fence. Apply the paint at a 45 degree angle to the chain weave. An assistant should follow the strokes with a dry roller. Paint the posts, gates, and other accessories with a brush. Paint can also be applied to a chain-link fence in two light coats with a sprayer. Make sure to stick with a brush.

Fine paint provides better coverage on wire fences. Mix one pint of solvent per gallon of paint to thin the paint.

After painting / staining the fence, wash the roller frame and pan with paint thinner or water. It depends on the type of paint applied. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning spray equipment.

NOTE: When painting new wood fence material, apply an alkyd exterior primer or semi-transparent oil-based stain. If you are painting previously alkyd-painted fences, apply exterior acrylic latex paint or solid color acrylic stain. If you are not sure what has previously been used on the fence, follow the procedure for new wood.

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