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How to Stop Stuttering – Hypnotherapy and NLP for Stuttering

Many people who stutter or mispronounce words spend their lives obsessing over the question of how to stop stuttering. It’s not hard to see why. Even if no one blames or makes fun of you for your stutter, the experience of not being able to say what you want quickly can be incredibly frustrating. Nobody likes to feel inarticulate. Most of the time, the stutterer knows that his speech impediment is not his fault. However, that lack of agency is perhaps one of the most frustrating things about stuttering or stuttering. Is there a worse feeling than knowing exactly what you mean and not being able to say it, than being silenced by some mental quirk you don’t understand?

how people stutter

After all this time, modern science still hasn’t figured out what causes some people to stutter. Most of our knowledge about stuttering consists of the “how” rather than the “why”. What we do know is that people’s stuttering can take several different forms. Some people find themselves opening their mouths and having to say a syllable or word several times before continuing with the rest of the sentence. Others only have problems with certain letters and certain sounds. Others still have trouble starting statements. They prepare to speak, they open their mouths and no words come out; their minds go blank.

stuttering is mysterious

One of the main reasons this common speech impediment is so mysterious is that it is very specific to each individual who suffers from it. Although most speech stutters sound pretty similar, people’s reasons for stuttering are as unique as they are mysterious. Some people started to stutter as soon as they learned to speak. Some didn’t start until young adulthood. Some stutterers spontaneously begin to speak normally at age 13. Some normal speakers start to stutter spontaneously at age 25. Some people have an obvious precedent for their speech impediment, such as abusive homes in which children learned early that speaking up, often or not, results in a spanking. Conversely, some people stutter for no clear reason.

Stop stuttering with NLP and Hypnotherapy

The disciplines of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis can be combined with voice training and breathing exercises to help break this frustrating involuntary habit. NLP and hypnotherapy are a powerful addition to the conventional techniques used by speech therapists to help stutterers.

NLP therapy trains people to recognize, understand and control their emotional states. Although no one knows the exact cause of stuttering, negative emotions such as nervousness and fear of speaking are often involved. Using NLP techniques, stutterers can learn to stop over-preparing and over-analyzing the words they want to say before attempting to say them. Even the most severe stutterers never stutter when they sing or shout. Much of this has to do with the spontaneity of the words sung and shouted. Hypnosis can also be used to help stutterers learn to relax before speaking.

With the help of voice training and breathing exercises, these techniques can achieve amazing levels of success, even in situations where traditional speech therapy has failed. Many people have relied on these techniques to stop stuttering altogether.

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