Lifestyle Fashion

Kasumba Square Shopping Center

Kasumba Square Mall is the place to visit and shop while in Kampala, the mall is located on the edges of Kampala to the west at the intersection of Busega Round about and Northern Bypass Highway.

Kasumba Square has a unique setting of a real African mall with a good location surrounded by river, green and away from the congestion of the city. The shopping center has a variety of stores selling goods and services, has a food court, bar, restaurant and guest house with affordable rates.

The nightlife in Kasumba Square is excellent, as there is music and beer, and the wines and spirits are sold at affordable prices compared to the rest of the city. The Mall has attracted other surrounding businesses, such as the ice plant and market stalls, in exchange for bringing development to the nearby community.

Kasumba Square Mall was started and founded by Mr. Eriabu Kasumba, one of the first African businessmen to operate on the main street Kampala Road in the early 1960s, while the businesses were efficiently owned by Asians and Europeans. Mr. Eriabu started from humble beginnings by opening a grocery store in Nateete Mall with his brother, the late Christopher Lwanga, the business was very successful and he decided to have another store in the city center.

They got a place in the old tax park and named the company Kabale Busega Stores Ltd, while doing business there, the government selected it on merit by assigning it a large department store on Kampala’s main street for it to blend in with. He ran the business so well and other Africans followed his example to do business in the commercial district of Kampala. After 25 years, he started to build a mall from a swampy place to a magnificent place now. Mr. Kasumba with the help of his family who is in the diaspora has something to count on.

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