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Law of Resonance: Can Childhood Trauma Make It Difficult for Someone to Say What They Want?

Many years ago, in 2006, the law of attraction burst onto the scene thanks to a documentary. However, this law was not new, it had existed for over a hundred years by name and the teachings themselves had existed for thousands of years.

So even though these teachings were presented as “the secret”, many people already knew about them. But of course there were also many people who did not know anything about these teachings and had to present them in such a way that people would be drawn to it.


One way of looking at this would be to say that there has been a shift in the collective consciousness, hence the reason why so many people were exposed to these teachings. To take a step back, this change also influenced why the creator of this product came up with the idea in the first place.

So it was their creation / product, but they were simply a conduit for something that a large part of humanity was asking for. The marketing behind it was important then, but it wasn’t what gave it its true power.

A mixed experience

As time has passed, more and more people have become aware of these teachings and surely this will continue to happen. There are those who have been able to achieve great results, while there are others who have not.

If someone is in a position where they haven’t been able to get very far, they might wonder if they have any control over their life. For quite some time, you may have had “positive” thoughts and spent a lot of time visualizing.

Another form of repression

As part of this process, they may also have had a tendency to deny how they really feel. However, if you believe that your thoughts create your feelings, there will be no reason for you to be aware of it.

Instead, they may believe that if they change their thinking, their “negative” feelings will simply go away. Actually, this is only half true; The other part of this is that your thoughts can simply trigger and be the result of how you feel.

Two parts

What this illustrates is that when it comes to the manifestation process, there is the mental part and the emotional part. If you have the right thoughts but your feelings are out of alignment, or even if you force yourself to feel a certain way, you are sending a confusing message to the universe.

The result of this is that they will get nothing in return or they will get more of what they do not want. With this in mind, it will be essential that one have both components in place and believe that they deserve to have whatever it is they want.

The difference

It has been said that someone does not attract what they want, they attract what is. That is why trying to attract something is not the answer; they need to be what you want to experience in your physical reality.

The law of resonance, a law of quantum physics, says that human beings are made up of vibrating energy. Therefore, for someone to experience something externally, they need to be vibrating at the same frequency internally.

A match

By vibrating at the correct frequency, they enter into sympathetic resonance with what they want. Once this happens, what they want will want them as much as they want it.

This can allow them to effortlessly draw what they want. At the same time, there may be certain actions that you need to take, but this will not be a time of struggle and tension.

Creative energy

What this means, then, is that they, like everyone else, are a traveling artist; you are constantly co-creating your reality. Your reality is the canvas, your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and beliefs are the paintings, and your consciousness is the brush.

Still, this does not mean that this is always a conscious process, as most of what you create will come from your unconscious mind. This is why it may seem like someone or something ‘out there’ is in control of your life.

Going forward

With all this in mind, if someone has found it difficult to express what it is that they want, it is a good idea to investigate how they really feel, what they believe in, if they have a sense of worthiness instead. and if they are taking inspired action. If they did this, they would soon see that several components are not in place.

They may find that they rarely feel good, have limiting beliefs, don’t believe they deserve anything, and find it difficult to act. In fact, they could be very wrong.


The life they have will be anything but satisfying. Because of what is happening, it will come as no surprise that you have such a strong need to change your life.

The problem is that this will make them strongly attached to what they want; something that will push away what they want. Ultimately, they will not be able to be what they want, resonate what they want, and this will prevent them from experiencing it.

A deeper look

What this can show is that their early years were deeply traumatic, this being a time when they were abused and / or neglected on a regular basis. This would have meant that their developmental needs rarely, if ever, were met, would have prevented them from growing and developing.

Consequently, this would have caused them to experience a lot of emotional pain, develop many limiting beliefs, prevented them from developing a sense of worth and worthiness, and prevented them from developing a sense of security and protection. As adults, they will be in a traumatized state and will feel emotionally empty.


If you can relate to this and are ready to change your life, you may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.


As you work through your inner wounds and become more whole and complete, your resonance will change. Doing this work will allow them to get in touch with the gold that is within them and their external reality will gradually reflect this.

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