Tours Travel

My Body – Its Temple: What Are You Feeding Your Temple?

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit that is in you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. ~ 1 Cor. 6:19-20

A few months ago, Ed and I visited Mission San Xavier near Tucson. Founded in the late 17th century by a Spanish monk, the main building was built a century later. Before we arrived, smoke from centuries of candlelight had blackened the interior of the chapel. The paintings and carvings were nearly obscured. An earthquake in 1887 and lightning in 1939 created further damage.

San Xavier is now in the process of an extended restoration. Started in 1992, volunteers, in collaboration with expert restorers, removed old soot and discolored varnish. Native statues, paintings and carvings shine once again. The ravages of age have been repaired. And the staff members continue to preserve that newfound beauty and history.

Is it time to restore your temple?

  • Does your body look monotonous and aged?
  • Are you stuck in the middle?
  • Is it time to do away with excess weight and flabby muscles?

Most of us are very good at taking care of the outside of our temples. Hair color, moisturizers, manicures, botox, and new clothes keep our bodies presentable on the outside. But what is going on inside?

Are poor food choices causing your cells and organs, blood vessels and glands, muscles and skin to age more than they should? Are you opening channels for disease?

The Apostle Paul begged his readers to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God (Rom. 12:1). What sacrifice are you willing to make to preserve your temple? Paul told us that it is your rational worship (same verse). In other words, God is not asking you to do something you can’t do. However, he is telling you that it will require you to make sacrifices, choices, to achieve that goal.

FROM MY DIARY: Last week I did a computer search on “weight and “health to see what came up. I found a quote from Joyce Meyer: My body is the temple of God; I don’t eat unnecessary food. This reminder worked twice yesterday when I had a mini Snickers in hand and dropped it in the candy dish.

So what are you eating?

How many times a day do you eat something without thinking, realizing or caring that you are adding calories, carbohydrates and fat to your body? Maybe a handful of chips or pretzels, a piece of candy or a donut! Even TicTacs and mints are to blame if you eat enough of them.

And beware of those “sugar-free” temptations. Most are not calorie free; in fact, they can contain a LOT of calories! Read the label.

Each glass of wine or beer, each soft drink or sweet drink, provide countless calories to your body. And everything you put in has to be used somewhere.

Crusty bread before a meal at that fancy restaurant; chips and salsa before the burrito arrives at a Mexican cafe; an appetizer – just because it tastes good, but you’ve also ordered a full meal.

Then there’s dessert!

God is not wasteful.

Your body is designed to process everything it receives, remove waste products, and store excess energy as fat. He also designed you to make wise decisions about the fuel you provide for your temple. If you ignore the quality or quantity of input, you will reap a harvest of poor health and excess weight.

The Word is very clear: you will reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). And he also said that if you sow abundantly [you] he will also reap bountifully (2 Corinthians 9:6). Those calories will multiply in your body!

REVELATION: My body is the temple of God. Being rooted in Him, having the mind of God Within, prevents me from filling my body with what I want. I am able to make healthy choices because I want to preserve and care for my temple, the earthly residence of God’s Holy Spirit. My love for God should be stronger than my craving for potato chips. I can eat well, healthy, because it is my responsibility to take care of this temple.

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