
Net Neutrality Myths and Pipeline Changes

Net neutrality was a novel concept, creating an open Internet where all users are treated equally, from the big cows to the little chickens. Unfortunately, when the Internet is being increasingly shaped by giant monopolies. what really drives this equality or inequality is where the buck stops and it is not based on any “fair” or “equality” methodology.

The FCC has failed for the most part in its attempts to enforce the concepts of “Net Neutrality”, and has really done more harm than good to this noble concept… Creating an Internet where all users are created equal.

Although there is much to be done regarding President Trump’s appointment of Mr. Ajit Varadaraj as the new FCC director, and equally as much panic about how Mr. Pai will take the Internet back into the dark ages, there are actually different factors currently control and affect the world of the Internet.

Frankly, for the most part, the internet has gone from being an open society, when it was in its infancy, to an ad-based network of content that is almost 99% influenced, controlled, and dominated by 1 or 2 corporate internet giants. One of them holds 95% of the cards in everything related to search, ad revenue, marketing and general internet content, while the other dominates the social aspect.

Therefore, if we want to debate or proclaim our rights to an open Internet, pinning all our hopes on the FCC or any other government agency waving their magic wands and creating free and equal access for all, we would have more than one chance of tap together and end up in Kansas, Dorthy.

The “openness” of the Internet is dominated by a single defining factor, income. The Internet model is based on the distribution of content that attracts users, who then click on the ads and therefore generate cash flow. So for an open and neutral Internet to truly exist, economic influences would have to be completely removed from the picture.

If there were free, ad-free content that is actually useful and not the kind of current trend of fake or highly exaggerated news articles and meaningless ideas distributed as meaningful “blogs”, only then could there be a truly independent and neutral. Web.

This boils down to the old concept of who is going to flip the account.

The existence or non-existence of net neutrality concepts, or if the current administration completely reverses the Internet laws of the last administration, in the end this will not really have a significant impact on the actual state of net neutrality, neither by your ISP nor by your end. users

The Internet itself would have to go through yet another revolution, where it returns to its initial purpose of being a free global network for sharing content without borders. As long as the ad-based revenue model continues to dominate the Internet universe, there will never be net neutrality, openness, or the free information superhighway. The current model simply could not support such neutrality.

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