
Seven books that change lives

The four Agreements -Miguel Ruiz

Years ago, I read this book. The great thing about this book is that you can read only the chapter names and that a single step can have a profound effect on the way you see the world and how you react to what the world presents to you. This book can make changes for the better in your life. The key here is that you should read this book with an open mind. Get rid of your negative thoughts even before you open the pages of this book. Promise yourself that you will believe every word here in the book, and with that promise to yourself, you will begin to see good, positive, and constructive changes in your personality, in your day, and throughout your life. Reread the book once every six months or so to renew your strength and resolve to keep an open mind and follow the principles laid out in the book.

The greatest miracle in the world -Og Mandino

Again, I read this book many years ago. In fact, I read most of the book. This is a book I flipped through. But I got to the chapter in the book that would affect my life the most. Inside the book are several pages that are filled with something called “The God Memorandum”. This gorgeous piece of writing is totally stunning. I cannot tell you what it says because this memo must be digested piece by piece, and you must listen to the exact words of Og Mandino’s writing to get the most benefit from it.

Serenity (A Companion to 12-Step Recovery) – Thomas Nelson

This book is a comfortable pocket book that you can carry with you. The book has the New Testament and along with that, in different chapters, the twelve steps are introduced and explained. This is one of the most unique 12 step books on the market and well worth checking out. Step Three has brought so many changes in people’s lives that miracles are countless in this world. Believing in God, drawing closer to God, and knowing and remembering that God is always with us are things that affect humans in the most positive ways.

The word according to Mr. Rogers -Fred Rogers

Mr. Rogers is amazing and so is his message to children and adults. Here is a man who is truly a gentleman. He is no longer with us but his words remain with us through the books that carry his writings. This is a book that every child and every adult should have in their library. It just makes sense.

God thinks you’re wonderful -Max Lucado

This book leaves me speechless because it is a strong reminder of God’s love for me. If you ever need to buy a gift for someone who has everything, this book should be at the top of your list. The good thing about this book is also that there are cartoons on every page. So this is a book for people who don’t like to read and for readers alike.

Writers Market 2008 – Writer’s Digest Books

This book is an interesting and complete compilation of agents, publishers, addresses, fax numbers, email addresses of all those people you need to contact to publish your writing, your books, your poetry. The book is large and sometimes as heavy as a small telephone book. And, of course, it could sometimes be considered expensive. Some of the books, the Deluxe Edition, contain a special code number inside that allows the purchaser to go online and get a free one-year subscription to If you ever thought of writing, dreamed of writing, or really want to be published, you should and should buy this book for yourself.

The Holy Bible -Thomas Nelson

I saved the best for last, of course. The Holy Bible has always been the most effective book when it comes to changing lives for the better. When one has faith, he has everything, even when he has nothing. Sound contradictory? Yes, but that’s the whole truth. With the Bible in your hand or on your mind, you can accomplish things you thought you could never accomplish. I remember when I was in the desert and I looked up at the huge mountain we had to climb. (Yes, they called it rock climbing but I saw a huge mountain in front of me.) I froze in fear even though more than five people in front of me had climbed quite successfully, and they also made it look so easy. But still, I froze in fear. Then I remembered my faith, I remembered what I had learned in the Bible so many years before. I remembered one of my favorite Bible verses: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Ah, I stopped for a moment longer, looked at the rock and started to climb to the top. With each step I told myself: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I said it over and over with every step I took up the mountain. Looks like I went up pretty fast. Later that day, someone said, “I looked at Lin and she was flying”!

Yes, the Holy Bible can and is and will be a book that will change your life, even if you only take a single verse and use it on a daily basis. So there is my list of the seven books that change lives. You should have them all in your own library.

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