
Simple English for Better Business Writing

Do you think using big words and long sentences will impress your readers?

Do you think that using a long phrase is better than a word?

Do you think it’s okay to use abbreviations, jargon, and management buzzwords?

Do you use phrases like please be informed at the beginning of some sentences?

if you answered Yes To any of these questions, you may be making your business writing a lot harder than it needs to be. And more importantly, you’re making reading that much harder for your reader.

Readers deserve plain English

I am very happy to see that more organizations are taking steps to simplify their language in official business documents and messages. This movement is called simple English.

With limited time and so much mail in our inboxes, readers want to read messages that are simple and clear. Readers want to read and understand messages easily and know exactly how to respond. Today’s readers deserve plain language.

If your readers are confused or unable to focus when reading your messages, you could be missing out on countless business opportunities. Writing in plain language will mean that you can click ‘send’ with confidence, and your reader will easily understand what you are saying. And that means you’re more likely to get the right answer.

What is plain English?

Plain English is writing without complications and fluff. It is easy to read and easy to understand. Simple English involves the use of short, clear sentences with everyday words. Plain language contains no redundancies or jargon.

Tips for writing in simple English

Using Plain English will help you and it will help your readers too. So before you hit ‘send,’ here are some tips to help you fine-tune your messaging.

1. Get straight to the point

Eliminate any redundant introductions in your sentences, such as Please note, kindly note, I am writing to inform you.

2. Use everyday words

Simplify long or old-fashioned words. For example, use share or distribute instead of disseminate, use agree instead of agree, about instead of consider, please instead of kindly.

3. Focus on active verbs

Look for long phrases that can be reduced to a simple active verb, such as conclude conclude instead of reach a conclusion, to improve instead of make an improvement, sign instead of help me sign.

4. Avoid layoffs

Delete unnecessary words in sentences like these: 3 in the morning, advance notice, basic fundamentals, in accordance with, with the purpose ofY repeat again. Using unnecessary or redundant words weakens your writing.

5. Keep your treats crisp and clear

Beware of jargon and buzzwords like think outside the box, going forward, turnY game changer. Consider how you can eliminate them or say those phrases differently.

6. Beware of acronyms

There may be several possibilities and too much room for misunderstanding, so it’s safer not to use them. For example, some people use FYA to refer to for your actionwhile others mean for your approval.

7. Use easy-to-read writing

Put the reader’s head on. Read it as if you were the reader, and if something is not entirely clear, change it. Simple, clear, and precise language will help you cut down on all the email ping-pong going on in everyone’s inboxes. It will also help you achieve better results.

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