
squawking democrats

Part One

Squawking Dem.

With two thousand years of Christianity behind us, all the Democrats can say to their rivals or mavericks is, “Watch your step!”
Or to inform them to keep their mouths shut.
In fact, if possible, and despite everything, put yourself at the service of the Democratic Party.
These people are a cunning line of crocodiles.
A kind of metallic brutes.
Obama fears that if Mr. Trump becomes president, on the first day he would do what he did to President Bush, delete all his works.
And he’s right, Trump would.
And that is precisely why he quit his paid job as president to organize a rigged election in favor of Hillary.
Manipulated, which means (but Trump can’t say) billionaires, the FBI, the CIA, everyone but the NSA, are in line to do whatever it takes, even fabricate, the unintentional, to win.
The NSA said that it was not the Russians who leaked the information in their devilish little tweets, but themselves.
The NSA is the most informed spy alliance in the world.
Russia says it wasn’t them, although we all know they have them.
However we got to have two people so unlikely to run for president, God and devil only know, but we got them.

The second part will inform the reader what I think of both, if one cares to read it.
But whoever wins, the point of no return has passed, we are in new waters, we are the new Babylon, and remember, it fell, due to arrogance, indifference and contaminated leadership; just like Rome from the inside out, and then from the outside.
Bugs, and rats will survive us, as they did the dinosaurs, it’s only a matter of time, unless Christ himself puts an end to all this nonsense.


The second part

the anathemas
(USA, Presidential Rivals for 2016 AD)

We currently have two rivals for President of the United States that deserve a special mention with this analogue.
I think both of them are rotting with fatigue-
With black rot!
Both on the brink of collapse.
Both terribly move on.
Both a large mangy mole.
If I could make them both wholesome and scrupulous with one stroke of the pen, I would.
Both are delusional or have someone who is wildly delusional at the slightest provocation.
They both talk in circles, from the base of the spine to the top of the neck.
Both have bloody fingernails.
With one hand free to the left, I must vote, we must all vote, right or left, in the dark of a booth or wherever…
It turns my stomach to have to vote.
I must choose the least polluted.
This will be heavy work, like balancing on my head a large saddlebag full of raw rubber…
This is not unusual in jungles, and now we are in jungles!
It’s a spectacle, with 650 million googly eyes.
One side reads “Pick up your troubles, we’ll keep the ball rolling.”
The other side says: “She is a devil!”
And the sad thing is that it is!
Soon one will have to bow in defeat!
Here, there is no real law in America that oversees the making of the paths through the thickets of this jungle towards prudence.
Today’s news of either, overrun by the media, will fade very quickly tomorrow, and day by day until the November election.
And what will we get with the winner?
I hope it’s better than nothing, in this vanity race, anything is better than nothing.
Currently it is one more fun, as they have done, organized by both the DNC and the RNC.
Fever competitions.
It must be hard to keep up the contest week after week!
It’s August 3, 2016 now, four months away, give or take.
His ratings rise and fall like the temperature in the Congo, “Hey, look at mine…!” (Fox News, catch every clap)
To escape all this, where does one go?
So I read, I write, I watch “Game of Thrones” and I occasionally fight with friends, who were never really friends, otherwise we’d still be friends.
I guess that’s what I normally do anyway, just less now.
This choice is: exaggerated!
But, who can vote for a devil?


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