Health Fitness

The history of scented candles

Candles have been an important part of human society for thousands of years. Originally, the only possible way to see once the sun went down was with torches, fire, or candles. Torches were not safe indoors, and walking from room to room carrying a portable fireplace was neither practical nor possible. Therefore, the candles lit the way. Everything was done by candlelight once the sun went down, from doing chores, reading, sewing, or even signing the United States Constitution.

Candles also served a useful purpose in early China. There, they invented a type of calibrated candle called a “sail clock” that was used to measure time. Weights were inserted into the candle at precise places, and when the wax had melted to a certain level, the weights fell into a container below and made a noise. Imagine what it would be like to have a candlelight alarm clock to wake you up to (don’t try to hit the snooze button), or try to time your bread on the stove based on a candlelight clock.

Originally, candles were not made from the high quality wax that we have today. Instead, they were made from whale blubber in China. Later, Japan learned how to extract wax from squirrels (don’t ask me how). In the Middle Ages, candles were often made from the fat of various animals, such as cows and sheep. However, the smell of making these types of candles was so awful that several cities banned the manufacturing process. Instead, candles were soon made from beeswax, which had a less unpleasant odor. By 1850 paraffin became commercially available and soon all candles were being made with one type of paraffin.

Those who made candles and experimented with various types of materials were called sailboats (from which we get the word “candlestick” today). Since the earliest times, candle makers have added scents and fragrances to produce the best scented candles. It started in China with “time clocks”. Incense sticks were often inserted into the wax to add a wonderful aroma. In fact, incense was sometimes added at set intervals so that the change in fragrance, rather than the drop in weights, indicated the change in time. Later, India also discovered the aromatic benefits of using a wax made from boiled cinnamon for their candles. Unlike the use of animal fat, which smelled horribly during the manufacturing process, the use of cinnamon provided a relaxing and fragrant aroma.

In addition to experimenting with scented candles, some clever candle makers also tried to create a smokeless candle. They understood what such an invention would mean… no more wick means no more flame! Certainly, fires from candles were quite common. Thomas Payne was one of those individuals. In the late 1700’s he tried to invent a smokeless candle, but couldn’t do it. Benjamin Franklin also started out as a candle maker before beginning his political career and experimented with various types of candle making materials and methods. However, it would be centuries before such technology was pioneered and wickless candles became widely available.

One of the reasons for the delay in scented, wickless candles is that candles took a backseat once kerosene lamps were invented. Then candles almost died out completely with the invention of the electric light bulb in the late 1800s.

However, in the 1980s and especially the 1990s, the revival of candlestick popularity became an international phenomenon. This was partly due to its decorative value, but also due to its ability to allow the stressed, trendy and overworked homeowner the opportunity to create a relaxing environment using the aromatherapy of scented candles. At the same time, awareness of air quality and health conditions such as asthma and allergies led to the exploration of safer, healthier and more environmentally friendly scented candles. Once again the search for a flameless candle began and once again smell or fragrance became very important.

Armed with the modern electrical age, the invention of a flameless scented candle became possible. Scentsy is generally credited as the company that invented wickless scented candles in 2004 and filled a market need for a scented, healthy, safe and environmentally clean candle that burns a high quality wax without a flame. Instead, a low wattage bulb uses a decorative selection of ceramic heaters to heat a stick of scented wax with a very long life. Scented wax bars can be mixed and matched to create custom scents. This allows each customer to be their own “sailboat” or “candle maker” as they customize their own candle and candle warmer to suit their individual taste.

Yes, candles have come a long way in the last few thousand years of human history. From burning blubber and holding your breath just to avoid the unpleasant smell of the candle, to today when people buy a scented candle for the primary purpose of the wonderful smell it emits, we can all be thankful for the age of enlightenment! !

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