
Time counts in a relationship

Human beings are social animals. Most of us long for the comfort and warmth of sharing life experiences and love with others. Most of us yearn for the intimacy of a loving relationship, with shared hopes, dreams, and life adventures.

We want deep and loving relationships, and it takes a lot of hard work to make them happen. A friend of mine said, sleep is on the other side of hard work.

Having the dream is worth it. That also makes the hard work worthwhile.

Part of the hard work is being realistic about time.

Time is important to deal with things within a love relationship.

If your partner has had a lot of external conflict or stress during the day, it’s probably not the best time to talk about a new challenge that interests you. It may be a time to listen, just be together and care, rather than a time to bring up additional conversations that can be stressful.

Timing is also important in starting a new relationship. Being in a healthy place and having a relationship with yourself first gives you a better chance of success in the relationship.

What kind of timing issues could there be?

1. Work stress. If your career is at a point where it demands 70 or 80 hours a week, where you’re exhausted the rest of the time and your mind is full of job challenges and solutions, it’s probably not the best time to try to start a new career. relationship. . It is very possible that your date feels neglected and overlooked. What can you do? Make some changes to your priorities if you can. Or have a conversation, let the person know you’re interested and need some time to work things out. Either he or she accepts that and is willing to wait a bit, or not. You have taken responsibility and need to accept both your situation and the response.

2. Financial difficulties. Difficult financial times are not a good time to start a relationship. Your partner might feel used as a money resource. You could involve your partner in your problems instead of finding common interests.

3. Recent separation. No matter how well they finished, they will have to deal with some losses. It’s best to recover from the baggage of your loss before attempting a new relationship.

4. Recent trauma. It could be a death in the family, an illness, the loss of a job, even being in an accident or being the victim of a crime. The best idea is to work through your emotions about the trauma before investing in a new relationship. Things are going to come up until you make a deal that will interrupt and force the exploration and fun you want to have.

5.Long distance. Relationships are hard enough without adding the long distance. In a new relationship, you want to get to know each other, spend time together, and share experiences. The honeymoon phase of a new relationship is precious. Resentments can arise that would not occur without the challenge of distance.

Timing in relationships is crucial. Tensions are going to happen. If you’re in a committed relationship, finding a good time counts for dealing with life’s problems.

Setting up a time together to talk can be a good idea. For a new relationship, diving in when the time isn’t right is a setting for failure and disappointment. The goal is love and happiness. Please note the time.

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