Top 10 World History and Geography Homeschool Curriculum

Top 10 World History

As students grow up and are ready to graduate high school, they should have a strong grasp of the events that have happened in our history. A comprehensive world history homeschool curriculum can provide them with a deep understanding of the interconnectivity of different cultures throughout the globe. This type of curriculum can also help teens learn more about the diverse environments that people live in and how these conditions influence their behavior. Whether your homeschool student is interested in learning about ancient Egypt or more recent historical events, a good world history homeschool curriculum should include a variety of books and other educational resources to give them a complete picture.

There are several excellent options for a world history and geography homeschool curriculum for high schoolers. For example, the Prentice Hall World History textbook provides a concise overview of each era in an easily digestible text book. Its color-coding identifies important terms, dates and people for easy reference. It includes maps, illustrations and photos that help students understand the material in a meaningful way.

Another popular world history homeschool curriculum is The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer. It uses a narrative approach to teach the timeline of major civilizations. This approach is a great option for kids who learn best by hearing stories. Although it does focus heavily on the history of Western civilization, it is still a valuable resource for studying world history.

Top 10 World History and Geography Homeschool Curriculum

Other options for world history homeschool curriculum include Notgrass History and Sonlight. Both of these programs have a Charlotte Mason-inspired methodology and use supplemental readings to make the subject come alive for kids. In addition, they both feature timelines, memory cards and CDs of music from various eras to make the learning experience enjoyable and immersive.

It is important for homeschool parents to choose a world history and geography homeschool curriculum that aligns with their own religious beliefs. For instance, Drive Thru History offers an interesting and engaging video series that covers key biblical figures from a Christian perspective. The series is a great supplement to any world history and geography curriculum and can be added to the list of optional extras for a high school class.

Many world history and geography homeschool curriculums integrate learning with hands-on projects, cooking, historical reenactments and cartography. They can also encourage teens to explore the diversity of world cultures through virtual field trips.

The Mystery of History curriculum takes a classical (using rhetorical teaching techniques) and chronological approach to studying world history. This four-volume journey through all of history is written from a Christian, young-earth perspective and teaches children to see God’s hand throughout the story of the world.

This series of homeschool world history books, taught by a certified teacher, is designed for the whole family to learn together. Its lessons and tests are designed to be used alongside online text and PowerPoint presentations. In addition, a student workbook contains detailed weekly units that feature reading assignments, Bible memory work and other activities. Each unit has its own lesson plan displayed on a two-page spread that makes it simple to keep track of what your child is learning.

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