Arts Entertainments

We can’t pray in love and live in hate

…And yet, he thinks we’re caring people. who are deeply religious or spiritual. It is not possible just because the two energies are not aligned. That’s how we are.

People go to their religious institutions to pray, or they sit in meditation to send loving energies to ‘save the world’, but when they leave these spaces, they live in hate. Hate is not just the outward expression of hate directed at others through speech or action; hatred is also directed at oneself.

I know that not everyone is religious and that Not everyone prays, so let’s take this definition of prayer further.

Prayer can also be defined as an invocation. or an act to seek to activate a connection with a cult object or to find a relationship towards a life goal. It may take the form of a hymn, incantation, or recitation of a creedal statement. This also includes affirmations that we say to ourselves, words that we say to ourselves repeatedly to reassure or remind ourselves.

Let’s take this conversation a little lower towards the more practical and earthly side of things.

Have you ever wondered why the thousands of people who repeatedly say that their abundance claims are still continually plagued by money problems? Many would profess to be non-religious or non-spiritual, and would even be embarrassed to say that they recite affirmations. But they do, in their heads. They repeat words to help themselves out of the cycle of lack.

BUT the thing is, if there is a sense of unworthiness, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-love, whatever you tell yourself about abundance either out loud or inwardly cancels each other out so to speak.

We have quite an amazing mind. Our conscience works in such a way that it attracts to us what we have, to give us more of what we have. Like magnets.

So we’ve all been told yes repeatedly make certain claims and fake it until we make it like The Secret, we’ll get what we want. It is that we need more than statements, deeply rooted within us there are parts of us that are in the shadow, that is, that are unknown to us, that act like magnets to attract us life lessons, that we need to learn. – that’s the real secret.

And what is also amazing about our minds it is that if there is something in conflict within us, we do not get what we want no matter what. But we get what we need: this is where the story of our lives goes through a roller coaster.

I’m not saying stop reciting your abundance affirmations, but beware of other affirmations you say to yourself or others that conflict with those of abundance. For example, if you want to be more abundant, you want to grow more business in your startup, and you formally recite affirmations for it, then it’s not a good idea to criticize and judge other startups in conversations. Or if you want to be a better public speaker, stop judging others and comparing yourself to others to try to gain an advantage in your own mind.

All the other talk we make, in our own minds and in conversations they are forms of affirmations that go against what we really want.

Observed. Do not judge.

So we can’t really pray in love and live in hate, or pray for more and live in selfishness/self-centeredness. No one has ever attained peace of mind, success, or abundance through the path of conflict.

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